Monday, October 31, 2005
I have decided not to go for the Work and Travel thingy anymore le... no hard feelings at all...
Its quite a complicated issue... But the bottom line is I love my parents :)
I am really really sorry that I always make the both of you worry for me, I promise I will try my best not to in the future.
I am not exactly very 快樂, but at least I feel much more 安心 now... Thanks ppl!! I had a wonderful day today~~ Really managed to 發洩 alot!!! 6 hrs of KTV... its not like anything before... sang from 7pm to 1am... whew~~
And I must definitely be grateful that my Dad allowed me to the Work n Travel thingy... Really hope that I can make it for honours!!! I dun want to disappoint them!! =XXX
Sunday, October 30, 2005
I am still not done with Confucius yet... AARRGGG~~~
I still haven't finish amending my Jap essay as well!!! I will have to hand in both on MONDAY!!! I dunno how man!!!!
Seriously speaking.... If i really fell into the state of depression, these 2 assignments play a big big part!!! Especially the philosophy one.... There were so many times i just feel like giving up..... I just wanna forget about it! Dun do, dun hand in...... but...... I cannot lah~~ cannot disappoint my parents leh.... So now, I have decided to just crap as much as I can..... probably just 2000 words or so.... I wun get a good grade.. but at least I wun get a F ba.....
Oh~ and one more thing!! My dad kind of agreed to let me go for the Work n Travel thing le!! I said kind of cos he did mention.... Still have one more week before I need to pay.. so he still have one more week to consider... !#$&%(*$@&! haha... but i think should be ok ba.....
so I hope that mr. anonymous will manage to persuade his mum as well!! if not.. with nobody going with me, I think my parents will get super super angry...
Lastly, I just want to say, 我的眼光真的不會高! All I am looking for is just someone taller than me, older than me, someone who is not weird, someone that dun smoke, gamble, speaks vulgarites, someone whom I can communicate,someone who is kind-hearted and witty (joke cleverly and not just plain funny...)
However, someone who is plainly kind-hearted and nice is not enough~ I think I wun mind someone who has a qualification lower than me, (erm... not too sure myself) But I definitely not someone who earns less than me~
But of course someone rich and talented will be bonus lah! haha.....
ok~ back to Confucius.....
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Please Note That :Absolutely NOTHING to do with my problems nor my previous entries!!!!
In the midst of my 2 assignments:
i) attempting to convince myself that 孔子 has a great way of ruling a country, something even greater than democracy.
ii) figuring out the 意義 of Chinese operas in Singapore today
I sudden thought of something 2 of my lecturers always say...
The 1st lecturer is the person who gave me assignment one. He always says 不要去看白話翻譯,很多學者都在骗你。要自己去看原文,靠你自己人生經驗去理解,這樣才有意義。
The 2nd lecturer is the person who gave me assignment two. He always says 不要相信我說的話,我常常骗你的。也不要相信聯合早報,都是騙人的。要自己去觀察,做 fieldwork,你會發現很多時候現實並不是人家講的那樣。
2 different lecturers teaching different things.. the 1st one, teaching philosophy and the 2nd one teaching Chinese Opera. They probably have only one common trait -- they are both from Hong Kong.
They are my 2 favourite lecturers in the Chinese Department. Ironically, before I enter NUS, I really dislike philosophy because I believed it really isn't my cup of tea...
Similarly, 中國戲曲 is the genre of literature I dislike most!
Isn't it amazing how life can twist and turn along the way?
Anywhere, my main point is I managed to relate the things these 2 lecturers said into everyday life... What they said is basically we should make judgements only when we have experienced it 1st hand. Be it food, books, music or even humans. This is especially true when it comes to meeting people. I realised that there were times where I make judgements about even before I got to know the person further. Sometimes judgements were made only because people around you say so. For eg if your friend were to tell you " so n so hor.... very ~~~~ n ~~~ one leh... " And since you trust ur friend, you will just believe everything he/she said. Even before you have chance to interact with that person.
The bible also says "Do not judge or you shall be judged."
This is something I always want to learn and put into practise. But due to my extremely sensitive intuition, it had been one of my biggest sins.
I believe that my liking for these 2 teachers and their common 口頭禪 are not coincidental. There are reasons behind them.
ok~ I am going to continue with my date with 孔子liao~~
Thursday, October 27, 2005
現在我開始懷疑兩年前的那場 “逃”。
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
I wish I was dead
I want to be a hermit.
No friends, no families, no nothing.
Just me, myself and I.
In this way, my only problem will be how to deal with solitude.
Or even better, be a dead person.
Then even the only problem is gone.
Then I do not have to wake up every morning facing all my unfinished work, unsolved problems and facing how people judge me, how ppl get disappointed by me, how ppl are worried of me.
Right now, I really dunno how to face my problems anymore.
但究竟 what am I still holding on to?
And what the hell am I hoping for?
Super Hectic Week
Ok~ I do not have much time to write this entry... I should just give a summary of this week's workload..
1) Jap presentation on Thur
2) Jap report due on Fri
3) Another Jap report dun on Mon
4) Chinese Philosophy essay due on Mon
All these still dun include my weekly quiz and homework... This is the consequence of procrastination and 臨時抱佛腳..... I am really doom :(((((
And oso I believe that Fir is coming to receive their Best Band award >:(
Ok fine~ Since Mayday already got it 3 times b4, think should give other ppl a chance ba... :p
Let's just hope that they will be able to thrash that J** C***, Sun Yanzi and of course Fir and seize the Best Album Production award!
and erm.... i have yet to ask my dad about the work n travel thingy.... I dun see the right timing!!! AARRGGG~~~
1) Jap presentation on Thur
2) Jap report due on Fri
3) Another Jap report dun on Mon
4) Chinese Philosophy essay due on Mon
All these still dun include my weekly quiz and homework... This is the consequence of procrastination and 臨時抱佛腳..... I am really doom :(((((
And oso I believe that Fir is coming to receive their Best Band award >:(
Ok fine~ Since Mayday already got it 3 times b4, think should give other ppl a chance ba... :p
Let's just hope that they will be able to thrash that J** C***, Sun Yanzi and of course Fir and seize the Best Album Production award!
and erm.... i have yet to ask my dad about the work n travel thingy.... I dun see the right timing!!! AARRGGG~~~
Monday, October 24, 2005
I just wanna share an experience ;D
I was feeling very down on Sunday, but the moment I went to the forum and saw news reports about their FH@ Shanghai, I just smiled very heartily~ not only the reports, but oso the photos as well! the reports about how Ashin became very blockhead when Jolin appeared and the photos of them at the 慶功宴 and the concert itself~ The above photo is the one that made me smile the widest~ Although can see that they are kind of tired...
I was really very very surprised that my mood could actually switched so fast~ XDDDD
Its like jumping from one end of a scale to another~ hmm~ although its only temporary, its better than nothing ba.... When your mood is down, its better not to be always down ba~ there must be times where you just forget about ur problems and the things tat are bothering you~ To some ppl, they just cannot find the "thing" that will make them do so.... And sometimes friends and families wun help... (how to help when it is all these things combined that cause ur mood to be down?) And religion is sometimes too intangible... In the past i would probably have nothing... but now......
I am lucky that I have Mayday :DDD
Saturday, October 22, 2005
六年後此刻的我 依然是... --阿信
This is something I found on ptt... Something that reallly touches me...
Just as everyone is discussing intensely about having another version of Zhi Zu, maybe let's just cease our anger for a moment ba... let's all recall how their music, lyrics had made significance to our lives....
但是我不為了金銀財寶而去冒險 不為了野心去強取奪獵
冒著懷疑與誤解的強風狂雨 我要為你找到一個的世外桃源
在那裡人心是唯一的國界 有著不同的故事卻說著同樣的語言
不懂的人 請讓我原諒你不押韻的懷疑猜忌
相信的人 我會為你獻上成功之後了解的眼淚 --阿信
Whether the company decides to Gai Ban or not, I'll always remember the feeling I had when I listened to 憨人 and later 神的孩子都在跳舞. I will always remember how crazy I got when I 1st heard them live. I will always remember the first time I went to the airport. I will always remember the first time I sent in my vote to 933...
Went to the Work and Travel interview today~~ Thanks to Beng Hwee for telling me about it... Before this, the only thing I noe abt this was that Weiting's junior Ying Ying went this year... And that's all... I was very surprised to noe that Weiting and Qiuping had actually applied for it :O
Cos like nv hear them say leh~~ haha... but I not blaming them lah~ they have their reasons ba~~ :)
I only visited the website on thursday after being told by Beng Hwee, den got to noe abit more~ So we decided to for the road show today... Initially, we thought its just like normal road show where we can get to noe more abt details... But nv expect it to turn out to be some sort of interview and you are supposed to make decision right there... hai~~ And realised that those that I wanted to applied for was already full!!! oh man~~ If I had noe its on 1st come 1st serve basis, I would have gone earlier man~~ But finally, still decided on one that is among the lowest housing and its rather near to California...
Still~ Although I signed the contract, I have yet to consult my parents... Its too rush liao~~ I really doubt they will allow me there... Esp. when both my parents are super paranoid ppl... :((( If I really were to go, I would have to get the money from them... They dun allow me to use a single cent from my other account... :((((( HOW HOW HOW???
I think need to pay 1000+ very soon~~ How to tell them???
If I am not going Hong Kong and China, probably things will be much easier... But... Hai....
I am just going to pray very hard that I can find a good opportunity to tell them and persuade them....
oh~~ After getting this week's pocket money and the pay from my waitressing and ushering, I am happy that my financial statement is negative no more!!! hehehe... though I am still broke, its good to see that things are getting better :) I am confident that by December, I should have enough pocket money to Hong Kong and KL ba... unless Rock records decided to release all the Mayday-related VCDs/DVDs all in a go~~
雖然有很多事情等者我做,我居然還上網讀了一本書。是一本很有名的書-- 小王子。
大概 4 年前,我讀了英文版。我必須承認,我理解的部分不多。
4 年后的今天,從新讀了這本書,而且讀了華語版,有了很不一樣的體會。可能是因爲長大了,經歷的事情多了吧。發現原來當中的國王,地理學家,事業家都在我們的身邊。當然也少不了可惡的猴麵包樹。我們大家都像狐狸,期待被馴服,可是卻不願將別人馴服。也常常尋找新鮮,特別的玩意兒,卻忘了自己身邊早已有了世上獨一無二的東西。而且每一個人也都在漫無目的地算者自己的賬目,認爲這才是最重要的正經事,對於爲什麽花兒要費那麽大的勁給自己製造沒有什麽用的刺和羊與花之間的戰爭都是無聊的事。
Thursday, October 20, 2005
As the title suggest..... I wasn't able to sleep for the whole of last night~~ dunno why~~ maybe too many things to think abt~~ hai~~ the worst thing is dunno wat was I thinking abt~~
ok~ nvm~~ Let's talk abt today!! Today went for ushering for HPB and met a few more ppl from forum!! hehe... WANGA!!! finally saw you today!! after SOSOSOSO LONG~~~ and eternal wish~ rather low profile forum member~~ ^^
Oh~ I think i wanna clarify abt my entry yesterday~~ I really really did not intentionally, purposely want to go for the various Final Homes ah~~ haha... It just happen, so coincidentally the timing falls on the period where I am going to those countries as well~ Planned to go Hong Kong with Yixuan and go Guangzhou visit my parents long time ago~~ haha.... very happy to know that Final Home at these 2 places oso falls in December ;DDDD
Hai~ But then again, the dates are not fixed yet~~ maybe I wun get to go for any~~ den i will be very very DUIII!! I really not so crazy and hard-core ah~~ really really~~ at most will only want to go for final Final Home in Taiwan, if any~
ok~ got to go catch some sleep le~~ Pray that I will be able to have a sweet sweet dream tonight!!!
ok~ nvm~~ Let's talk abt today!! Today went for ushering for HPB and met a few more ppl from forum!! hehe... WANGA!!! finally saw you today!! after SOSOSOSO LONG~~~ and eternal wish~ rather low profile forum member~~ ^^
Oh~ I think i wanna clarify abt my entry yesterday~~ I really really did not intentionally, purposely want to go for the various Final Homes ah~~ haha... It just happen, so coincidentally the timing falls on the period where I am going to those countries as well~ Planned to go Hong Kong with Yixuan and go Guangzhou visit my parents long time ago~~ haha.... very happy to know that Final Home at these 2 places oso falls in December ;DDDD
Hai~ But then again, the dates are not fixed yet~~ maybe I wun get to go for any~~ den i will be very very DUIII!! I really not so crazy and hard-core ah~~ really really~~ at most will only want to go for final Final Home in Taiwan, if any~
ok~ got to go catch some sleep le~~ Pray that I will be able to have a sweet sweet dream tonight!!!
It's BITCH-ING Time!!!
*bitch bitch bitch*
hey~~ Dun 誤會!! Not scolding anybody lah~~ hahaha.... Actually got lots of complains abt some ppl and abt some things!!! But hor~~ realised there are some ppl who do visit my blogs annonymously... so hor... better watch wat I say~ If not the 主角 turn up den very troublesome leh~~ All I can say is 道不同不相為某. (ha~ this is more seh when you say it in cantonese!!)
Isn't this contradicting?? Blogs are supposed to be your channel of 發洩-ing~~ But as ppl know abt it, read abt it, you realised there are more and more things you cannot write abt... hai~~ This is the dilemma is life sia~~ So hor... Maybe I should have a brand new blog!! only my very very close friends are entitled to noe the url~ hehehe~~ This blog is in the process of making!!! will made it known to ppl after my exams!! ;DDD
Oh~~ and one thing!! I got my Final Home Malaysia tics liao!!!!!!! ROCK ZONE somemore!!!!!!XDDDDD Thanks to MUSICANATA's mum!!! Very excited!!! nv been to a rock zone b4 leh!!! YES!!!!
I want to start countdown counters like some of my friends leh~~ But dunno how to do it leh....
:( (wat an idiot...)
Got alot of things to countdown to...
1) 金曲獎
2) Exams lah~
3) Final Home Malaysia
5) Final Home Singapore
6) Hong Kong trip with Yixuan
7) China trip
and I HOPE can countdown to Final Home Hong Kong and Final Home Guangzhou and of course final Final Home Taiwan.... (Final Home Japan???) hai~~
I know many ppl will think that I am too crazy liao~~ But while I thought I should be while I am still young.... When I was younger, I missed out quite alot... So, I dun want to regret later...
Afterall 沒有瘋狂,怎麽能算活過呢?hahaha....
Last thing!! Thanks to Weiting and Qiuping yesterday!!! haha~~ You guys should noe wat issit ba... dun u?? ;))))
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Money never drop from sky leh~~ :(((((
Got my birkenstock sandals!! haha... yeah!! got something new!!!
oh~ yah~ they contributed to my current "poorness" as well...
Today's oral wasn't terrible but I think I merely scraped through~ Somehow lost concentration at some point... Din manage to catch wat my teacher was saying...
Went NTU today.. for booth duty... was boring, but I was quite productive!! I managed to complete my reading for tmr's tutorial!! although its less than 10 pages, its still quite a feat to finished it while noisy sound were blasting into my ears.... YEAH!
Still have 4 individual essays, 1 group essay, 1 midi and 2 presentations!!! AARRGGG~~~
I just cannot believe it...... They are coming AGAIN!!!! kao~~ They are confirm coming for 新加坡金曲獎!!!! This will be their 5th visit this yr~~ Of course I am happy to see them almost every month~~ But... isn't it too tiring for them?? They will be having their concert in Beijing the nx day leh~~~ Even if not all 5 coming, its tiring enough for those who will be coming!!!!
See~~ This is yet another reason why I am so crazy about them~~ Just as everybody thought they wun be coming because of the concert, they surprised everyone!!! Of course, I do not know whether they agreed to come because they are guaranteed some award or wat.... But still!!! They are ABOSULTELY rightful not to come!!! Their major concert is on the nx day!!! So to all those artist who are not turning up saying schedules clashes, busy with album etc.... EXCUSES!!! They are not coming because they 看不起 an award ceremony organised by such a small country loh~~!!! See the contrast between Mayday and the other artists??
So anyway, I bought the tics liao~ and yes!! I am even more broke than before~~ I am using my pocket money for the week... So, for the rest of the week I can only drink water and eat air... :( Well... You may think that I deserved it.. .and serves me right... And I am telling you, You are darn right!!! hai~~
Tmr got biz jap oral~~ Pray that my memory and tongue wun fail me!!!
And stupid Funkamania stuff are getting on my nerves!!!! yeek!!!
Still got to go down to NTU tmr!!! OMG~~~ This week has only just begun, and I see a nightmare ahead........
Monday, October 17, 2005
Official Announcement -- misspeirong is BROKE
I am REALLY REALLY REALLY BROKE!!!! My bank account is currently negative loh~~ Bought too much things le... Hai~~ But now, regret oso no use lah~~ My only solution is to earn back those money loh.... That's why went to work today.... Though I din really feel like it, for the sake of money, I dragged myself there...
Yup! Back to being a waitress~ Luckily today's tables were quite easy~ I wasn't busy at all today... still have time to laze abit here n there.... No troublesome and fussy customers with the never-ending demands, no Buay Zi Dong customers who hasn't got eyes to see that he is blocking my way... The customers today all very nice!! Will help me turn the table so that I can lay my bowls properly, will help me clear the empty dish so that I can serve the nx one, will pass the plates to me when I wasn't able to reach for it!!! I will be very happy to work every week if all the customers are like tat~~
I wish I can find jobs that are easy and yet well-paid before Dec comes!! If not, I really dunno wat I will survive on in Hong Kong and Malaysia...
But lookin on the bright side, wat comes around, goes around... Although my money are gone, I believe they will come back to me soon.. hehe..... Just like many things in life, 當你覺得自己失去了很多時,你其實得到了更多!!!
失去了一個朋友,我得到了其他人的友誼,我也得到了許多人的關心 :DDDDD
失去了金錢,我有機會體會金錢的可貴,雖然我未必會更加珍惜 XXDDDDD
所以,我並沒有難過也沒有後悔!!! 我仍然開開心心, 滿懷感恩地過每一天!!! 我才不會讓那些等著看我難過後悔的人有機可乘 :ppppp
But hor... 如果有多一點錢的話,應該會更開心!更加感恩吧~ hehehe...
沒有啦!開玩笑的~~ 做人要知足嘛!!! Hor??
Sunday, October 16, 2005
BEYOND's Final 演唱會 (erm... Maybe not..)
It was GREAT!!! Very very good!!! My only complain was the length~ Its really too short..... Its really by far my shortest concert~~ erm... Though I nv really been to alot of concert~ It started at 820 and ended at 1040!!! They really very persistent wor~~ No encore means no encore!!!
So 巧!!! Met a long-time-no-see friend there!!! And she was only sitting a few seats away from me!! haha...... We wanted to get very high!! But was very diff... cos ppl ard are really quite dead leh~~ Cannot even stand up!!!! Cos stand up will block those behind~~ So we decided to go to the balcony~ But at the balcony right in front of our seats still will block~~ hai~ So hor.. No choice,we went over to the other side's balcony, nobody sitting there~ Initially still hesitate abit cos afterall I went with Yongqi, Weiting, Audrey and JY... only met my friend, Melissa there~ But when they sang 抗戰20年, I just cannot 忍 anymore!!! I just ran over to the balcony there!!! And really jumped and sing and shout as if I was watching Mayday!!! That song is SUPER NICE!!! ;DDDDD
Wah lao!!! Its really SUPER SUPER HIGH thereafter!!! haha.... After 抗戰20年,they continued with 真的愛你!!!! OMG~~~~ Its really THE SONG!!! haha... Den.... to add on!!! They sang 光輝歲月!!!!!! And of course!!! AMANI!!! After we stand for one song, 2 guys came join us!! Those 2 guys very funny leh!! They really were behaving as if its their concert leh!! haha.... Then got so many hand signs~~ I think they must be Chiongsters haha... Den dunno during which song, 2 other girls joined us!!! Den the 6 of us stood there and got very high!! haha.... At the last song, the balcony was packed!! Everyone decided to stand up liao~~ Really quite High sia~~ wah... Beyond only I got so high.... I cannot imagine wat I will become during Final Home....
But really VERY VERY 期待 Final Home!!!!! yeah yeah!!!
Oh~~ Allow me to add this: 家強 is really VERY VERY CUTE!!!! hehehe... Especially when he smile!!! And 世榮 is very 帥!!! XDDDDDD
If they really come Singapore for 簽唱會, I will really go just as I shouted!!!! haha....
I just read from the forum that Singapore may not be the last stop afterall~ They may be going to Guangzhou in Dec!!! YEAH!!! haha.... den Maybe~~ MAYBE.. I can go one more time!!
Hmm~~ Den something I just wanna add.... Though I was nv crazy about Beyond, and the songs I noe very very limited and I nv knew them lah~ One thing that I was really puzzled about was.. they actually disband because they wanna 各自發展? After Beyond disband, 家強 actually forming another band!!?? They probably have their own reasons ba~~
I really do hope Mayday will not be like that wor~~ I think they wun ba.... hor???
Though I heard from a radio station, it seems that there MAY BE a possibility somebody from Mayday will do something on his own... (just like the 信 from 信樂團)but I dun think they will go to the extent of 各奔東西吧。。。
Friday, October 14, 2005
Went to JB but failed to get the tics~ But I must say I had a good time there!! hai~ Only if my 100RM nv went missing :( Already very very poor liao~ Den now~~ hai~~ But nvm~ I believe watever is urs, will always be urs..... Not urs, no matter how hard u try to keep will still go away~ But..... Things are really quite cheap there leh!!! Esp. the food!! haha.... Maybe nx time can go with ur friends yah? Its not as dangerous as you think lah!!
Thanks Yihua for the company!!! Nx time we go again k?? And I noe that we will DEFINITELY be going for Final Home Malaysia!!!! XDDD By faith~
Ok~ Shall keep this entry short and not sweet~ abit bitter, abit sour~ =X
PS to fans of Mayday's 技師團:張老師 commented that 新加坡的女生比台灣的女生辣!!!!! hahaha..... So~~ Its a compliment i guess~ hehe.... too bad I am not a fan of his~
Thursday, October 13, 2005
ok~~ After those entries on Mayday~ I can now finally do some normal entries~~ While blogging abt them for the past few days, few things came into my mind~ some are things I encountered, some are things ppl said...
One very prominent one was my Chinese Philosophy tutorial on Tuesday... Prof 勞 asked the class :對你而言,人生是什麽? Den one PRC replied quoting something his friend said :人生就是什麽都嘗一點,到了最後,你的人生應該到哪兒,就到哪兒。。。 Prof commented that its 精彩! and asked if we felt the same way too~ I nodded my head.. and kena shoot~ Prof den asked me, why did I say its 精彩? I replied 因爲認同。 He said that's wat alot of ppl will do.. when they agree with it, they will say its 精彩。。。 He went on saying that however, if you were to flip the dictionary, 精彩 doesn't have the meaning of 認同~ The reason he said its 精彩 because that person was able to summarise what most ppl will define as 人生~ ok~ That's not my main point~
That PRC went on explaining that~ his friend added that 人生雖然應該什麽都嘗一點,但是除了愛情,感情之外。因爲他認爲這些情感會阻礙他嘗試更多東西~ Den Prof said~ 當你說你什麽都要嘗試,也就是說你不會對任何事物有 committment!! 這就是爲什麽他不願意嘗試愛情~
For some reason/s, I cried when I heard him say these.... I den use the tissue on my hand to pretend wiping my face~ I can't believe it! I cried in a philosophy tutorial!!! And the best thing is, I dun even noe why!!!!! I seriously dunno why~~ The 1st thought that came to my mind when he said that was 哇~ 真是一針尖血~ and the nx moment I noe it, I was crying liao~ Even till now, 2 days later, I still dunno how come like tat!!!!
And den today, I had my Science of Music term test.. it was ok i guess~ there were some really easy ones... and some really tough ones~~ But today, I was totally 心不在焉~ hai~ suffering from "post-Mayday_syndrome" I suppose~ But 我不能再這樣下去了!!! Tmr will be going to JB with Yihua to buy the tics for Final Home Malaysia~ Pray hard that the 300RM rock zone tics are still available!!!
That time I was chatting with a fellow Mayday fan, she said everytime after being very HIGH during their performance, will feel very 空虛~ she asked me if I will feel the same way too~ I told her I dun allow these to happen to me!! haha..... I noe there are many ppl who are like that~ After all the "HIGHNESS" is over, you suddenly feel very lonely and empty~ Personally to me, its really your choice~ If you keep allowing urself to be in that state of mind, you will find urself going deeper and deeper into it~ For me, when there is a slightest signal of THAT kind of feeling, I will just draw myself out of that scenario~ it really works!! haha..... try it!!! 幹嗎把自己想得那麽可憐啊?
But of course I agree, everytime when they come, I will definitely put aside all my work/troubles/problems and to enjoy myself thoroughly!!! Den after they left, 真的會有一種從夢境貶回現實的感覺~ Some may see these as escaping from reality~ But I see it as an effective distress therapy!!! Ha~~
So, to all fellow Mayday fans: If you are feeling 空虛 after all those activities, look forward to Final Home SG!! listen to their songs again and again!!! and ask urself this qn!! 幹嗎把自己想得那麽可憐啊?? Hahaha~~
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

史上最冷靜的歌迷非我們莫屬 loh~~~ Look at this PIC!!!! Please believe ur eyes!! There is absolutely nothing in between the fans and Mayday!!! Its just 5m of air~ -__-''' 大家也未免太冷靜了吧~~~~ But I am DAMN PROUD of all of you!!!!!!! Cos we are calm and has sense!!! This is really something we ought to be happy for!! haha..... Giving them the appropriate 空間~~ hahaha~~

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
謝謝五月天 -- Part III Junction 8 --> Mediacorp
I realised I forgot to mention a few things!!!
1) I think Ashin's "new girlfriend" is very cute!!!! Its nice but its kind of small when Ashin is carrying it!!! haha....... abit too small for him leh~~
2) Sorry to all those who sat my car that day!!! Sorry that I traumatised any of you that day XDD Esp those who sat from Orchard to J8!!! Very reckless hor? Paiseh ah~~
erm...... I think that's is for now lah~ If I realised I missed out anything else, will 補充 later!!
Ok~~ After the signature session at J8, me, Weiting, JY, Audrey and Meiyun went to get some food b4 we proceed to Mediacorp... Yihua, Xiaofei, Lee ping went there earlier to chop seats liao~ Thanks man!!!!
Over at Mediacorp was damn COOL!!!!! (erm..... except for the beginning... very xian~~ almost fell asleep..) all the Mayday fans!!!! I am so proud of you guys!!!! hahaha....... We were SO LOUD!!!!!!!!! haha...... those "superstars"??? 算什麽嗎?hahaha......
Damn funny when we got so HIGH when 世杰 and 張老師 got up the stage!! haha.... the other ppl must have been REALLY puzzled!!!! haha..... They Must be thinking "Who are these ppl man??" haha...... they 孤陋寡聞 cannot blame them!!!! And of course! We must not forget Yihua's sudden shouting of"冠佑" that made all of us STUNNED!!!!
The part where all of us stood up and sing 牙關 was AWESOME!!!! Esp the URSSS part!!! haha...... and oso the cresendo at the chorus part!!!! Must let the "superstars" 知道什麽才是真正的絕對SUPERSTAR!!!!! And of course!!! 知足!!!! What else can I say man??? When Guai Shou, Guan You, Stone and Masa went off, left Ashin alone on stage, Ashin said 這首歌我自己一個唱,all of us replied 我們陪你一起唱!!!! That was OMG!!!! So TOUCHING!!!! haha..... All of us started joining our hands and wave together~~ so 感人~ :'((( haha..... And not forgetting the part where we sang 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星~~Can see that Ashin really quite touched hor~~ Though he din show much expression cos he is on national tv... His last bow was SO LOW!!!! and for SO LONG!!! And he even put his hands together and mouth 謝謝!!! wah piang~~~ I am sure all those other ppl who were there were TOUCHED by it oso!!!!
After these 2 songs, Mayday's part is over... Its now recording session with those "superstars"... Alot of ppl left right after~ hmm~~ As time past, really more and more ppl left~~ Hai~ though I very much wanted to stay, still left at 9+... Its really TOO TOO TOO boring and meaningless!!!!
That's it for the part on 9th Oct 2005!!! Up nx is the departure at airport~~ Alot of ppl were there~ Met some new ppl!! haha..... their 1st time here to send them off~ Den we were all very excited loh~~ haha..... Mayday Crash course!!! haha.....
But suay suay, my contact lens 不爭氣~~ started attacking my eyes~~ Made me really uncomfortable loh~~ damn~~ So even when they were here, I wasn't exactly excited!!! But I must say.... trend nowadays is different le...... In the past, Ashin is always the one surrounded by most fans~ But now I realised, its Guai Shou 了... The moment Guai Shou and Stone walked into the airport, everybody just followed them~ Den Ashin got nobody, only got 2 gals were talking to him~ But I think they were really very tired ba~~ When Ashin walked past me, I thought he din look very happy.... throughout the check-in, he oso looked very 無精打采~ Though he smiled b4 gg into the gates, I thought those smiles were quite 勉強~ hai~~ quite sad~~ Just hope that they will have enough rest b4 starting their 宣傳 in Malaysia~
Ok!!! 五月天在新加坡的行程終于圓滿落幕~ 是時候開始準備考試的時候了!要再見到他們,只能等到12月10日了~ 雖然他們說會爭取在 11月4日 出席新加坡金曲獎,但是以滾石的經濟情況來看,機會應該相當渺茫吧~ XDDD
全劇終。。。 這三個字不禁讓我想起 "全劇終,看見滿場空座椅燈亮起。 這故事好像真實又像虛幻的情景~" haha......
謝謝五月天 -- Part II Orchard--> Junction8
After waiting for another hr or so, Lingzhi came up to stage and show us how to dl mp3 ringtones using the Ideas card.... I really tried... But my stupid phone 不爭氣~ cannot dl.... :( nvm lah~ can save $$!! haha.....
They were on 933... or rather Ashin was on 933..... Only he spoke leh~ Very short only~ about 5 min or so..... The usual stuff abt 知足 Just My Pride 最真傑作選 and of course the concert~~ He mentioned that he hope there will be more 近距離接觸 with the fans during the concert.. saying that in China, law is very strict there... den Singapore 是一個很自由的國家 I was like... -__-''' pls loh~~ Singapore is fake 自由 only loh!!!!!
After 1500:
They arrived shortly after the interview!! haha..... Den of course the moment they went up to stage, everybody cheered n clapped.... hehe.... When Ashin went up last, another round of applause!! haha..... Me, Xiaofei, lee ping were High 10-ing when we saw that Ashin wore the same shirt as us!!!! wahahaha.... really din expect him to wear that!!! Started with L-O-V-E~~~ haha.... den everybody shouted together of course~~ Sang and danced ard lah~ haha.... usual hor~~ I recorded for the 1st half den joined in the dancing n shouting part for the 2nd half~ This was wat I did for all the other songs lah~~ haha..... If not keep recording, cannot enjoy myself totally leh!!! Den the 2nd song was 亂世浮生 haha...... another high number.. But cannot really jump leh~~ After this, is Talking time!!!! yeah!!! Intro of all the members but Masa and Guan you din say much~ Cos really no time ba~~ Den Ashin asked who bought the album already, saying 沒有買的沒關係,反正等一下就要買了。。。 haha.... Den he asked who bought the concert tics already~ Den he said 原來就是你們了。我們明天才要開記者會,可是最高价的票都被你們買走了。。。Den he intro the nx song saying 這個傷心的男人寫的傷心的歌。。。 XDDD its 牙關lah~~ of course everybody sang again~~ Den we sang esp. loudly at the URSSSS wahaha.... damn funny!!! Ok!! Den nx was 知足!!! Only Ashin remained, the rest went to take a break~ Everybody sang as well!!! haha.... den we sang the 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星 very loudly!!! Den finally, was the last song le~~ Hai~ very disappointed.. nv sing 麥來亂 :((( Ashin showed his 功力 again!! he went to get his new guitar and said 讓我介紹我的新女朋友 den Stone asked him 哪一個?haha...... den everybody laughed~ He said 這是第3次上臺,希望下一次上臺會是在 Final Home 新加坡。。。 Though I noe its not possible lah~ I am quite sure he will use it when they go Malaysia~ The last song of the day was 聼不到... I was like, finally a song that can jump up n down and get really high!!!! you noe? the chorus part!!! its like there will be a slight pause den ~~ 我的聲音在笑,淚在飆。。。 Its a part where everybody would jump!! haha... 1st chorus I nv jump cos i taking video mah~ me nv jump, I oso realised nobody jump!!!! den after that I keep my camera liao den sang together with everybody liao~ When the chorus came again, I just started jumping to the beat and jump as high as i can!!!!!! Still NOBODY around me jump!!!! Yihua nv jump, Yurong nv jump, Xiaofei, lee ping ALL never jump!!!! Den I turned to them and said aye!! Jump leh jump leh!! But by the time I say that, chorus ended liao~ its the bridge now~ everybody sang very loudly but nobody is jumping!!!! Ha~~ Den finally Ashin cannot stand liao~ They paused for a very long time just b4 the last chorus... he said something like 我發現新加坡的地心引力很強,讓大家都跳不起來。。。 這是最後一次表現的機會哦~ ok! Den finally!!!! Got alot more ppl jumped!!! But still not all leh!!!!!! Especially the other side of the stage one..... those not in queue one..... they really very dead leh!!!! only taking photos and mouthing the words.... nv jump or bounce leh!!!!
Almost 1600:
They finished singing, den have to promote Singtel's ideas card.... haha... Guai Shou very funny!!! He really very 認真 when listening to the instruction on the phone!!! haha.... Den when they were asked to say something abt the card.... Ashin pushed it to Stone.. haha.... quite lame lah~ but no choice... who ask Singtel is their main sponsor leh?? hai~ This is the real world u noe? Den Lingzhi suggest that they sing solo for their fav song in the album... Dunno how come Stone just refused to sing!!! Weird~~ haha.. this make Ashin said... 我確定靈芝是5566派來的。。。Den went on to say something abt the 亞洲第一天團 title~ When LingZhi said its just a joke, Ashin said 沒有!這不是開玩笑的~haha......... Den soon after, its signature time!!! After Masa came back from the toilet... When I went up, they say cannot sign Taiwan version, I was like !(*$$&%)! Den oso no choice loh.... 1st was Ashin, he said Hello, I said 辛苦了。。 。den shake hand... Den it was Guan You, he got look up oso... but he like abit bo chap lah~ Den was Guai Shou (actually I forgot issit GY 1st or GS 1st =XX) he looked up and smiled widely... I told him 辛苦了,he replied 你也辛苦了! Den it was Stone.. He looked damn tired!! He said something which I assumed was 謝謝。。。 cos cannot hear~~ Den it was Masa.. I said 辛苦了 to everybody except him.... But when he looked up and smile, I still said 辛苦了 while he was signing, to my surprise, he looked up and smile again den went back to continue signing!! I really got stunned for awhile... For a split second, I was thinking... 到底哪一個才是真的你啊??
After the signature, I went look for Yihua, she was asking 張老師 to take photo with her.. But he just refused!!! for some reason.... Den 世杰 was nice!! He took with her!! haha..... nice shot!!! Ok~ Den after that, we rushed down to J8 le~~
We were among the 1st to rush from Orchard to J8 ba~ Was totally shocked to see SO MANY ppl queuing at J8!!!! They actually missed the performance at Orchard and come to queue at j8?? Just to get their signature?? If I were to choose between signature and performance, I would choose the latter loh~~ Just like many of us would!! I am really puzzled~~ But still very happy to see so many ppl queuing for them!! haha.....
While queuing, the speakers were playing their songs lah~ Den me, Yihua, Jingsi and Yihua's friend (die! I forgot her name!!!!) had a KTV session there loh~~ We dun care the number of pairs of eyes on us, we just sang very loudly, shaking our heads and even jumping!! haha... the only word I can use to describe the feeling is 爽!!!!!!!!!
Finally they reached... Ashin changed his t-shirt into a long-sleeve stripped shirt~ the rest i think nv change ba~~ This time round, Masa was 1st in the line... I said to him with a big smile 又见面了!!! Den he oso reciprocate with a wide smile and saying 阿~ Den its Guai Shou I think!! I said 又见面了 as well!! Den he opened his eyes very big and smiled!! haha. very cute!!! I said 辛苦了 again, he said 不会,不会。。。 Den I said 真的真的辛苦了。。。 Den it was Stone.. He looked better than at Orchard, not so tired.... Followed by Guan You... Yihua asked him to draw smiling face as well..... she said 画大大~ haha... Den he was in a better mood than at Orchard oso and got 微笑 abit~ Den while Guan You was signing my posters, Yihua said to Ashin.. 你穿线条的衣服看起来比较胖~ Den I gave her a light hit on her shoulder saying 是壮不是胖!!! haha.. But I think Ashin really too too too tired to response leh~ He din have much reaction, just smiled and reached out his hand, waiting for me to shake~
=to be continued=
That's it with the 簽唱會 and 簽名會!! We are still not done yet!!! Up next will be the TV recording at Mediacorp!!! will continue again.....
Just to let those reading noe..... All these details maybe abit too long-winded.. But I have my reasons for writing down.... One day when I get old, or lost my memories, I can at least refer to here and 回憶當時的情況!! So do bear with these long, detailed, mundane entries ;D
After waiting for another hr or so, Lingzhi came up to stage and show us how to dl mp3 ringtones using the Ideas card.... I really tried... But my stupid phone 不爭氣~ cannot dl.... :( nvm lah~ can save $$!! haha.....
They were on 933... or rather Ashin was on 933..... Only he spoke leh~ Very short only~ about 5 min or so..... The usual stuff abt 知足 Just My Pride 最真傑作選 and of course the concert~~ He mentioned that he hope there will be more 近距離接觸 with the fans during the concert.. saying that in China, law is very strict there... den Singapore 是一個很自由的國家 I was like... -__-''' pls loh~~ Singapore is fake 自由 only loh!!!!!
After 1500:
They arrived shortly after the interview!! haha..... Den of course the moment they went up to stage, everybody cheered n clapped.... hehe.... When Ashin went up last, another round of applause!! haha..... Me, Xiaofei, lee ping were High 10-ing when we saw that Ashin wore the same shirt as us!!!! wahahaha.... really din expect him to wear that!!! Started with L-O-V-E~~~ haha.... den everybody shouted together of course~~ Sang and danced ard lah~ haha.... usual hor~~ I recorded for the 1st half den joined in the dancing n shouting part for the 2nd half~ This was wat I did for all the other songs lah~~ haha..... If not keep recording, cannot enjoy myself totally leh!!! Den the 2nd song was 亂世浮生 haha...... another high number.. But cannot really jump leh~~ After this, is Talking time!!!! yeah!!! Intro of all the members but Masa and Guan you din say much~ Cos really no time ba~~ Den Ashin asked who bought the album already, saying 沒有買的沒關係,反正等一下就要買了。。。 haha.... Den he asked who bought the concert tics already~ Den he said 原來就是你們了。我們明天才要開記者會,可是最高价的票都被你們買走了。。。Den he intro the nx song saying 這個傷心的男人寫的傷心的歌。。。 XDDD its 牙關lah~~ of course everybody sang again~~ Den we sang esp. loudly at the URSSSS wahaha.... damn funny!!! Ok!! Den nx was 知足!!! Only Ashin remained, the rest went to take a break~ Everybody sang as well!!! haha.... den we sang the 一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿天都是小星星 very loudly!!! Den finally, was the last song le~~ Hai~ very disappointed.. nv sing 麥來亂 :((( Ashin showed his 功力 again!! he went to get his new guitar and said 讓我介紹我的新女朋友 den Stone asked him 哪一個?haha...... den everybody laughed~ He said 這是第3次上臺,希望下一次上臺會是在 Final Home 新加坡。。。 Though I noe its not possible lah~ I am quite sure he will use it when they go Malaysia~ The last song of the day was 聼不到... I was like, finally a song that can jump up n down and get really high!!!! you noe? the chorus part!!! its like there will be a slight pause den ~~ 我的聲音在笑,淚在飆。。。 Its a part where everybody would jump!! haha... 1st chorus I nv jump cos i taking video mah~ me nv jump, I oso realised nobody jump!!!! den after that I keep my camera liao den sang together with everybody liao~ When the chorus came again, I just started jumping to the beat and jump as high as i can!!!!!! Still NOBODY around me jump!!!! Yihua nv jump, Yurong nv jump, Xiaofei, lee ping ALL never jump!!!! Den I turned to them and said aye!! Jump leh jump leh!! But by the time I say that, chorus ended liao~ its the bridge now~ everybody sang very loudly but nobody is jumping!!!! Ha~~ Den finally Ashin cannot stand liao~ They paused for a very long time just b4 the last chorus... he said something like 我發現新加坡的地心引力很強,讓大家都跳不起來。。。 這是最後一次表現的機會哦~ ok! Den finally!!!! Got alot more ppl jumped!!! But still not all leh!!!!!! Especially the other side of the stage one..... those not in queue one..... they really very dead leh!!!! only taking photos and mouthing the words.... nv jump or bounce leh!!!!
Almost 1600:
They finished singing, den have to promote Singtel's ideas card.... haha... Guai Shou very funny!!! He really very 認真 when listening to the instruction on the phone!!! haha.... Den when they were asked to say something abt the card.... Ashin pushed it to Stone.. haha.... quite lame lah~ but no choice... who ask Singtel is their main sponsor leh?? hai~ This is the real world u noe? Den Lingzhi suggest that they sing solo for their fav song in the album... Dunno how come Stone just refused to sing!!! Weird~~ haha.. this make Ashin said... 我確定靈芝是5566派來的。。。Den went on to say something abt the 亞洲第一天團 title~ When LingZhi said its just a joke, Ashin said 沒有!這不是開玩笑的~haha......... Den soon after, its signature time!!! After Masa came back from the toilet... When I went up, they say cannot sign Taiwan version, I was like !(*$$&%)! Den oso no choice loh.... 1st was Ashin, he said Hello, I said 辛苦了。。 。den shake hand... Den it was Guan You, he got look up oso... but he like abit bo chap lah~ Den was Guai Shou (actually I forgot issit GY 1st or GS 1st =XX) he looked up and smiled widely... I told him 辛苦了,he replied 你也辛苦了! Den it was Stone.. He looked damn tired!! He said something which I assumed was 謝謝。。。 cos cannot hear~~ Den it was Masa.. I said 辛苦了 to everybody except him.... But when he looked up and smile, I still said 辛苦了 while he was signing, to my surprise, he looked up and smile again den went back to continue signing!! I really got stunned for awhile... For a split second, I was thinking... 到底哪一個才是真的你啊??
After the signature, I went look for Yihua, she was asking 張老師 to take photo with her.. But he just refused!!! for some reason.... Den 世杰 was nice!! He took with her!! haha..... nice shot!!! Ok~ Den after that, we rushed down to J8 le~~
We were among the 1st to rush from Orchard to J8 ba~ Was totally shocked to see SO MANY ppl queuing at J8!!!! They actually missed the performance at Orchard and come to queue at j8?? Just to get their signature?? If I were to choose between signature and performance, I would choose the latter loh~~ Just like many of us would!! I am really puzzled~~ But still very happy to see so many ppl queuing for them!! haha.....
While queuing, the speakers were playing their songs lah~ Den me, Yihua, Jingsi and Yihua's friend (die! I forgot her name!!!!) had a KTV session there loh~~ We dun care the number of pairs of eyes on us, we just sang very loudly, shaking our heads and even jumping!! haha... the only word I can use to describe the feeling is 爽!!!!!!!!!
Finally they reached... Ashin changed his t-shirt into a long-sleeve stripped shirt~ the rest i think nv change ba~~ This time round, Masa was 1st in the line... I said to him with a big smile 又见面了!!! Den he oso reciprocate with a wide smile and saying 阿~ Den its Guai Shou I think!! I said 又见面了 as well!! Den he opened his eyes very big and smiled!! haha. very cute!!! I said 辛苦了 again, he said 不会,不会。。。 Den I said 真的真的辛苦了。。。 Den it was Stone.. He looked better than at Orchard, not so tired.... Followed by Guan You... Yihua asked him to draw smiling face as well..... she said 画大大~ haha... Den he was in a better mood than at Orchard oso and got 微笑 abit~ Den while Guan You was signing my posters, Yihua said to Ashin.. 你穿线条的衣服看起来比较胖~ Den I gave her a light hit on her shoulder saying 是壮不是胖!!! haha.. But I think Ashin really too too too tired to response leh~ He din have much reaction, just smiled and reached out his hand, waiting for me to shake~
=to be continued=
That's it with the 簽唱會 and 簽名會!! We are still not done yet!!! Up next will be the TV recording at Mediacorp!!! will continue again.....
Just to let those reading noe..... All these details maybe abit too long-winded.. But I have my reasons for writing down.... One day when I get old, or lost my memories, I can at least refer to here and 回憶當時的情況!! So do bear with these long, detailed, mundane entries ;D
Sunday, October 09, 2005
謝謝五月天-- Part I Orchard--> Airport--> Orchard
讓我為你一一道來。。。 heehee~~
Woke up, wash up den surf the net... I was trying to surf for the net to look for directions to go from Orchard to Airport.. wah~~ after 20min, I finally found it!!! hai~ Though still not very sure, but still ok lah~
Took everything which I already packed last night at 1am, head towards Orchard where Yihua told me that she will be late!! But nvm lah~ I was late oso!! haha..
In my car... the sky starts to rain cats and dogs~~ Den very worried!! scared that will have to 淋雨 later...
Reached Orchard and realised that the rain is now drizzling only~ YEAH!! hehe~~ After my failing my 1st attempt looking for Heeren carpark, I still managed to reach Hello@Orchard safely~~ Lucky we decided to meet at 8 man~ quite a few ppl were there liao~
Yihua reached and started chit-chating.. Her 2 friends joined us later!! Glad to meet them!!!XD
Some ppl came to put up the backdrop for the event!! Den some fans helped out as well!! So kind hor?? TAT's Mayday's FANS loh!!!
The rocks record ppl came and say they will be starting the priority queue thingy and we must let her see all the required stuffs~ Den finally got to noe who is "spotlite" haha... me n yihua was so high~~ Made friends with ppl in front of us~ and realised we already noe each other from the forum lah~~ Yurong, leeping etc started coming~~ Den had a good chat loh~ Den even helped the 2 girls infront solve a few Chemistry qns~ hehehe.... Its still drizzling loh~~ Den we realised that there is this young lad behind Xiaofei without an umbrella~ very poor thing~~ Den Xiaofei took out her umbrella and gave it to him.. He rejected it... Den Xiaofei went on to say something 我不管!你要用~ 要拍到 3點 leh~~ wah piang~~ very FUNNY rite!!!! the young boy accepted very 無奈-ly~ haha....
Together with the 2 young girls infront of us, I set off to airport~ Thanks to Yihua for suggesting us to take bus~ If not waste petrol and money again~ Met up with Weiting and others at the Airport loh~~ They number of ppl there really surprised me!! I tot everybody will be queuing and wun go airport!! But really got quite a big number~~ The airport itself was very crowded oso!!
Dunno why~~ Only Ashin and Guai Shou came out to collect all the luaggages~ ALOT sia~~ Den after some time, when other passengers were almost gone, the rest den came out~~ Guai Shou tied a towel on his head as well~ Its a different pattern from Ashin~ But VERY UGLY!!! He really looked like a construction worker leh!!!! They were stopped while coming out... the security insists that their luaggage have to go through the Xray scan.. So Guai Shou and Stone has to stay back... the rest came out as 1st~~ Not diff to see that Alot of ppl came for Ashin leh~ haha.... After Ashin walked away, majority of the ppl are gone~ Left a few waited for Guai Shou and Stone... Guai Shou abit buay song lah~ Cos its like the scan is taking so long!! Den they went to the scan at the other end, den the fans left followed suit! Though his face were not very happy inside, the moment he stepped out, he broke into smile~ and said hello and thank you to his fans~ For some reason, Stone came out later..
Poor Stone... by the time he came out, most ppl are gone~ hai~~ After everything, me, the 2 girls and Qianhui shared cab and pia back to Orchard!!
=to be continued=
I will be back tmr for even more!!!!!!!!!!! Now need to go study le... =XXX
讓我為你一一道來。。。 heehee~~
Woke up, wash up den surf the net... I was trying to surf for the net to look for directions to go from Orchard to Airport.. wah~~ after 20min, I finally found it!!! hai~ Though still not very sure, but still ok lah~
Took everything which I already packed last night at 1am, head towards Orchard where Yihua told me that she will be late!! But nvm lah~ I was late oso!! haha..
In my car... the sky starts to rain cats and dogs~~ Den very worried!! scared that will have to 淋雨 later...
Reached Orchard and realised that the rain is now drizzling only~ YEAH!! hehe~~ After my failing my 1st attempt looking for Heeren carpark, I still managed to reach Hello@Orchard safely~~ Lucky we decided to meet at 8 man~ quite a few ppl were there liao~
Yihua reached and started chit-chating.. Her 2 friends joined us later!! Glad to meet them!!!XD
Some ppl came to put up the backdrop for the event!! Den some fans helped out as well!! So kind hor?? TAT's Mayday's FANS loh!!!
The rocks record ppl came and say they will be starting the priority queue thingy and we must let her see all the required stuffs~ Den finally got to noe who is "spotlite" haha... me n yihua was so high~~ Made friends with ppl in front of us~ and realised we already noe each other from the forum lah~~ Yurong, leeping etc started coming~~ Den had a good chat loh~ Den even helped the 2 girls infront solve a few Chemistry qns~ hehehe.... Its still drizzling loh~~ Den we realised that there is this young lad behind Xiaofei without an umbrella~ very poor thing~~ Den Xiaofei took out her umbrella and gave it to him.. He rejected it... Den Xiaofei went on to say something 我不管!你要用~ 要拍到 3點 leh~~ wah piang~~ very FUNNY rite!!!! the young boy accepted very 無奈-ly~ haha....
Together with the 2 young girls infront of us, I set off to airport~ Thanks to Yihua for suggesting us to take bus~ If not waste petrol and money again~ Met up with Weiting and others at the Airport loh~~ They number of ppl there really surprised me!! I tot everybody will be queuing and wun go airport!! But really got quite a big number~~ The airport itself was very crowded oso!!
Dunno why~~ Only Ashin and Guai Shou came out to collect all the luaggages~ ALOT sia~~ Den after some time, when other passengers were almost gone, the rest den came out~~ Guai Shou tied a towel on his head as well~ Its a different pattern from Ashin~ But VERY UGLY!!! He really looked like a construction worker leh!!!! They were stopped while coming out... the security insists that their luaggage have to go through the Xray scan.. So Guai Shou and Stone has to stay back... the rest came out as 1st~~ Not diff to see that Alot of ppl came for Ashin leh~ haha.... After Ashin walked away, majority of the ppl are gone~ Left a few waited for Guai Shou and Stone... Guai Shou abit buay song lah~ Cos its like the scan is taking so long!! Den they went to the scan at the other end, den the fans left followed suit! Though his face were not very happy inside, the moment he stepped out, he broke into smile~ and said hello and thank you to his fans~ For some reason, Stone came out later..
Poor Stone... by the time he came out, most ppl are gone~ hai~~ After everything, me, the 2 girls and Qianhui shared cab and pia back to Orchard!!
=to be continued=
I will be back tmr for even more!!!!!!!!!!! Now need to go study le... =XXX
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Thank You!!!
Recently, a few friends caught me by surprise!! People I nv thought will read my blog expressed their concern regarding my entries recently... REALLY REALLY REALLY TOUCHED!!!
So, I just wanna say a BIG BIG thank you to all of you!! (you know who you are ;D )
I will bear all your encouragements in mind!!! In order not to disappoint you guys, I promise you that I shall not be discouraged anymore!!! Who cares about those ppl who treats me like rubbish?? As long as I know that you guys are always there for me, 我就心滿意足了~~
Mmm... I really dunno other than saying Thank You, wat else can I say~ Maybe will pray that you guys will live each and everyday happily and I trust that surprises and laughter will be surrounding you yah??!!
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Photographer: An Hejie. Market Place, Town of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia)
Beyond the northern (Inner Mongolia) frontier, spring has arrived but the
cold weather lingered on. Snow fell on this April morning. Flakes danced
in the sky. A middle-aged man tended to his cart, on which sat a little
boy, wrapped up with blanket used to keep the vegetables from freezing.
From time to time, the father would tuck at the blanket to make sure that
his son was all right. These are the words from the photographer: "Set in
the dark and shadowy background and the dancing snow flakes, the pink
puffy face of the little boy stood out in great contrast to that of the
father which was apparently shaped by the caprices of life. And life was
indeed harsh. Father and son only have each other for support. When the
father yelled out a sales pitch on top of his voice, his facial expression
was shockingly touching. One cannot help but be moved."

The father and his son live in an impoverished hilly area. They demand
nothing but a piece of land to call their own. Perhaps they will not have
a chance to see the outside world all their lives -- they will not know
what a staircase is, they will never ride in a taxi, nor will they ever
step into a movie theater. But the truth is these are the people who offer
us everything our lives depend on, generation after generation. The heaven
and earth have nothing to repay them. Love them! At least respect them in
your heart. Otherwise how can we possibly talk about ourselves as human beings?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
有一點感動,有一點開心 -- 我瘋了~
haha.... I am abit not in the right state of mind recently~ But today I really a little touched and a little happy~ hehehe... Thanks to some ppl who msg me and let me know that you guys do care... really Thank you so so much!!!
Its just some small little gestures that will really will make me very happy and touched~ really~ I dun ask for alot... just things like a smiley, asking how am I, agreeing with me, accepting my offer or a joke tat is not funny at all XDDDD
Oh~~ And ONE more thing!!! I heard this 金曲獎挑戰9連環 thingy about 2 weeks ago~ and got SUPER excited when I heard the 1st song!!! haha.... cos its Mayday's song mah~~ And its not any other song wor~ Its one of my favourite song!!! hehe..... Den I got damn Pek Cek when I heard ppl guessing 揮著翅膀的女孩!!! Let me divulge one ans!! ITS NOT!! ok?? Dun guess this song anymore le!!! Let friends noe as well!! Cos the 1st song of the 9連環 is 時光機!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got it yah?? hehe... It has been 2 weeks and only at 6 songs~ haha.... I think maybe I should try oso!! So wish me luck yah??!!!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Hey ppl~~ Really thank everybody for the comments and advise k?? haha... Dun worry~ haha... I think having PMS loh~~ my mood swinging super super 嚴重 recently... Die le~~ I think I am going to become 人格分裂 soon!!! How How HOW!!???
Toking about the friendship deteroriating... haiyah~ Not really lah~~ Its just me being to 感性, suddenly got too much 感觸... and looking for trouble...
Hai~ Like I mentioned in my previous posts... The stress is really getting on my nerves~ Now I have got like 6 projects in hand~ and I haven't really started on anyone yet...
Blog is really a very good way to capture all my daily lives as well as venting all my frustration~ Another way to get rid of all my stress and frustration is of course Mayday!!!! HEE ;DDDDDDD Think so much for wat??? 想那麽多,到頭來辛苦的還不是自己。。。讓你痛苦的人又不會知道。。。erm... 也其實沒那麽苦啦~ 只是我自己太轉牛角尖了啦~ 更何況, 爲了一些不懂得/不在乎我的感受的人, 讓自己那麽苦, 真的很不值得啊~ So~ Just Let it be~ 隨上帝的安排吧~ XDDDDD
Oh~ Why sudden change of mood?? haha... you guess???
And YES!! I just heard Ashin on this radio programme!! haha.. So I am in a super good mood now!! Ashin was so FUNNY!!! hahaha.... oh~ and they had this 最愛五月天的歌曲十大排行榜~~Woohoo!!! Vote by the fans~~ And this is the result:
10) 倔強
Is this result within ur expectation? Well~ It wasn't for me lah~ But my only comment is Taiwanese fans really very very lucky!!! Mayday is going to sing these 10 songs at Taipei 101.. on the 91st storey loh~ Its outdoor somemore!!!!! Wah piang!!!! I only want to go for the Expo leh~ hai~ oso cannot....
Oh~ Another happy thing!! Did you guys realised this is actually my 1st time i am using 繁體字 to write chinese characters?? I finally found out that I can use it in this comp afterall.. haha... after sosososososo long!!! damn~~ I am really a 憨人... haha....
心上一字敢 面對我的夢 甘願來做憨人 :)))))
If I never like Mayday
1) This blog would not have exist.
2) I would not have gone to airport so frequently.
3) My guitar will probably still standing there to collect dust.
4) I would not be listening to 憨人,人生海海 and 恋爱-ing when I am feeling down.
5) I would not have spent so much money.
6) Checking emails will be the 1st thing I do whenever I am online, instead of checking forum n ptt.
7) I would still be watching the very boring local channels and not downloading anything else.
8) I would not have gone to KL all by myself.
9) I would not be know by others as “那个很喜欢五月天的佩蓉”。
10) I would still be liking Leehom alot.
11) I would not be able to take photo with my idol.
12) I would never realise how crazy I actually can be.
Many nice things indeed happened since I went crazy over them..... And its amazing how much can happen in less than a yr... Of course there still One not so nice thing that happened...
1) My relationship with some friends would still have been the same instead of deteriorating.
Honestly I am willing to give up all the nice things in exchange for this ONE not so nice things...
These are wat happened to my own life after I came to like Them... Did changes happen to anybody's life ever since misspeirong came to like Them?? If have, let me know can?? Good or bad~ So that I could 反省反省.... perhaps make some changes...
I am actually in the midst of making some decisions, so I really need you guys to help me k? THanks alot!!!