
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Yet another reason.


THIS gives me another reason for me to continue like and support them! 这证明了他们并没有被名与利冲昏头。 或许是因为他们了解到那些未发过专辑的乐团的心情吧。毕竟那是他们增经也走过的路。

For those who did not know, I only came to like them in Nov 2004, only after they released 神的孩子都在跳舞。 Many did not know the reason why I am so crazy about them suddenly. Its REALLY SUDDENLY! Though I knew of their exsistence since the very beginning, I never really liked their songs. And I never know how to appreciate "Rock". Always think that it is too noisy... I still remember once during KTV, weiting was so enthu in introducing their 武装 to me, I was like......"hmm... ok lah..... really dunno how to appreciate.... "But one fine day came....

I was watching this Channel U drama, which has 倔强 as the theme song. Though I never really like them, i can immediately know it is their song. It is SO THEM! I am still quite impressed by that. HEE ;D
I decided to go download their album after I heard that song. The immediate 2 songs attract my attention was of course 倔强 and 让我照顾你。The funny part was, I din know which one is the theme song of the drama!!! I cannot differentiate the 2... -_-
But I also like 错错错, 回来吧, 孙悟空, 圣诞夜惊魂 immediately!!! hai~ From there..... everything just BOOM!!!

In retrospect, It's still quite unbelievable! From downloading their album, to discussing about them with weiting, to sing their songs in KTV, to weiting gave me the mdmd website, to posting stuff there, to going airport, to going for their concert etc... WHEW~~ What a journey~
Though I do had the experience of being crazy over idols, but none of it is close to the intensity of this band! Truly, their music, lyrics, characters had really touched me deeply.
May this journey continue till the very end.....

Monday, May 30, 2005

Final Home CD -- after a 2-month wait

YES!~!~!~!~! Finally got the CD!!!!!!!!! yeah yeah yeah!!! Because of this CD, I been through quite a feat today man.....

Because of this CD.......

1) I woke up at 630am.
2) I miss the camp dry run.
3) I wasted $4.80 at Long John Silver.
4) I walked the whole of Toa Payoh Central twice.
5) I bumped on to a kerb on my way to Pearl Centre.
6) I got stucked on CTE for half an hour.

Hai~~ Even so, I did not regret a single bit!!!!!!!!!!! Although I am a little sad about the packaging, I can finally have an idea what happened in other Final Homes and get ready for OUR FINAL HOME! I can't wait for them to be here!!! To all those waiting together with me >> Let's persever yah?? December will be here before we know it!!

Sunday, May 29, 2005


28th MAY 2005 is an excited day for me!!

Met with yijun and weiting for KTV from 11-2 -- Had a great time singing our beloved MAYDAY songs! So High~~ haha... after that we went walk around Orchard Rd, I got some Jap listening compre exercises to prepare myself for JLPT 2...

I invited weiting down to church -- Very happy when she said she dun mind coming down to church with me!! Thanks gal!! I am sorry if my cell leader gave you an intimidated experience ah... I hope you will not be very much offended...

Going to audrey's house for the long awaited Jin Qu Jiang -- Missed an expressway exit and got stucked in the Johor jam for 45 min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid streetdirectory.com!!! Luckily we did not miss much of the ceremony...
Got very high after we arrived at audrey's house! Jumping, screaming around whenever we see Ashin on TV! or when that Teeny-Weeny-I-Guy din win any for the category!! hhaha..... YES!!!
Got very irritated by leehom's incident! ARG~~~ Made me scream for nothing!
Really wanna thank audrey once again, and wanna say SORRY~~ sorry for disturbing you and your family....

In all, had a great time! This is my 1st time watching JQJ with friends and I really think its FUN!!! we shall do this more often in the future!! ;D

For a more detailed account of this day, do refer to weiting's blog yah? http://whoiscryolite.blogspot.com

counting down: 11 days...

Friday, May 27, 2005


一直以来,我都认为卡通是只不过是思想幼稚的人的一种娱乐。也觉得卡通的世界是虚幻的,非常不真实的。可是看了我身平的第一部日本卡通之后,我发现我错了。而且错得非常彻底。One Piece 不但不是我想象中那么幼稚,凡尔道出了现代人的心声。它让我深深地体恤到现代人的空虚。也让我看到了现代人对生活的期望。而我每看完一集,都一定会深受感动。单单是看各个主角在不同情况中意志力的表现,就已经感动得不清不出了。

这是一部笑中带泪的卡通。它讲述着一群年轻人,为了自己的理想而努力奋斗。 过程中,这些年轻人经历了重重的难关,加深了他们之间的友谊。基本上,这是一部有关于人与人之间相处之道的卡通。


除了友谊之外,另一项卖点是剧中人物的性格刻画。 每一个人物都各有缺点。 例如,爱说谎话,市侩爱钱,鲁莽冲动等。 但是他们全都能互相忍耐,彼此了解,彼此信任,并且同心协力,咬紧牙关打赢一次又一次的艰苦的战役。此外,还有一种性格是大家向往,却又无法实现的。那就是第一主角那种不畏困难,清楚自己目标和理想,坚信只要有坚持,天塌下来也不成问题。这种生活,或许是许多人想要过的吧。但是到底有多少人真的有那种恒心与毅力呢?这又一次验证了“因为没办法得到,因此更为珍惜” 这句话吧。。。

另外一项卖点,就是穿插于整个故事的一段段小故事。 题材大都围绕亲情与友情,每一则故事都可说是扣人心弦,赚人热泪。我可一点都不夸张。是真的!!!


撇开剧中人物怎么打都打不死不谈。 每一段故事其实都是我们现代人的故事。即使是一些不可能在现实生活中实现,它们也代表着许多人内心的愿望。有谁不希望身边有一群肯为自己拼死拼活的伙伴?有谁不希望所到之处都能留下感动?


Counting down : 13....... arg~~

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

GODly words...

I went to cell today and something my cell leader said really hit me hard! " you may look foolish in the eyes of man when you live on the faith you have in GOD, but you are great in GOD's eyes!"

Today, my cell leader share the topic of Faith with us. I definitely believe GOD has messages for me. Remembered in my post few days ago? I mentioned that I am just a simple Christian with great faith in GOD. Today, GOD reminded me that faith itself is good! but not enough... Faith has to be grounded by actions! Guess I have got much to catch up with GOD.

I also felt that I did something wrong for thinking that way about my cell and my cell leader.. hai~ Hope that relationship with them will get better~

Counting down to my trip to CH*** on this CH*** airline! : 15 days

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Writing From School

H~I EVERYBODY~!~!~! How's life these few days man?
Haven't been blogging cos not in the mood after what happened last saturday... but..... Now, I am back to normal!! ( I decided to go cell tmr anyway)

I am now in the Cultural Activities Club (CAC) clubroom. I am basically slacking ard while others enjoying(?) themselves at the pool game dry run... Went to the Creative website after Yixuan said she wants to go Creative sale. Hai~~ I see le, really very tempted to buy leh~~ BUT. .. my Taiwan fund and Final Homw still in deficit leh..... HOW TO BUY??? die....... I really hope to get one oso...... sianz..........

Oh, and oso! haha... I recieved a replied email!!! so happy~ Though its just some ke tao hua, still can't help smiling! At least got reply mah.......

Yesterday, brought my father's taiwanese colleague and her husband (Italian) to go eat durian... Den managed to got quite some info from her about my Taiwan trip in Dec! haha.. she even offered to help us book hotels, buy bus/train tickets etc... she so nice!! Though I find them quite troublesome at times.... Always come Singapore just for the sake of coming, troubling my parents to bring them here, bring them there...

ok lah..... tat's all I've got to say!

PS: Yixuan mentioned about having an interesting blog that day. I know mine is not interesting lah (its like What so interesting about my life?).... like I always say in my Jap class, misspeirong is an uninteresting person. This blog serves a purpose, not to entertain anyone, but to let my friends know me better (for those who are interested to know lah of course).

Saturday, May 21, 2005

I am tired of cell!

I am definitely not tired of GOD! I know that GOD is true and real and I am grateful for all the blessings GOD had given me. I will definitely serve and follow HIM for the rest of my life. What I cannot stand and what I am tired and sicked of is, the whole lot of activities which claimed to be "serving GOD better".

I had never imagine Christian life to be easy. But I definitely don't expect it to be stressful! I am not saying that serving GOD makes my life stressful. Its all the other stuff where real life people that are bothering me. Why do we have to meet up so often? Why must we engage ourselves in all those addtional activities? Why issit that somebody kept bugging my life, what I am supposed to do and telling me what are the "right" things to do?? Why issit that I have to report what job I am taking, where am I going and what am I doing to someone who claims to be my spritual mother?? Even my own mother doesn't! I really don't know what right she has to be in control in MY LIFE!!! The person who is in control in my life is non other than GOD himself! No one else!! If there is somebody else, it should be ME!

I am really sick and tired of her reprimanding me over sms, getting me to report to her constantly... I AM REALLY TIRED!!!

They say all these are because we need people to guide us blah blah blah... What about the thousands and millions Christians that do not follow this system?? Are they saying that they are not the "correct Christians"??

Since I got into City Harvest, I thought charismatic church is just not right for me! Youth service is not suitable for me as well! But I have yet to have a chance to attend a traditional church. Lastly, I must say this. Different people approaches things differently. Even in GOD's world. There is no absolute method that is correct or wrong! Different people seek GOD in different ways. And GOD approaches each individual differently! So those that are so inflexible please come to understand this!

I must hereby declare : misspeirong is a devoted follower of GOD because she had seen HIM working miracles in her life! Nothing will scrape or weaken her faith by an inch! She may not be able to recite many many scriptures or preach great things, but she pocess a simple and strong faith. So those who thinks that she is a "wrong" Christian, they had broke the law of passing judgement upon others!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Are there people in your life that function as spare-tyre? I would say I don't have any... I can say this with my conscience clear.

Be it your friends or lovers, please do not do this to them yah? When you have somebody new, somebody interesting to be with and hang around, do spare a thought for those that are "older" in your life. Do not take them for granted or just look for them when there are no other people around. Even if they don't mind, doesn't mean you can just do as you like. They don't mind only for a reason -- They regard you as a friend deep from their heart. (please refer to my previous chinese entry if you do not know what it means to be a REAL friend) What if they do the same thing do you? How will you feel? You enjoy being the centre of attraction, be well-loved by everyone, nothing's wrong with that. But definitely not at the expense of the others. Especially at the expense of those who regard you as a Real Friend.

But sadly, I am a spare tyre of some people's life. I am not complaining or holding any grudges. But I just hope that there will be less of such people in the world... To be a spare tyre of somebody's life is not a good feeling at all, it is a highly unfair task. Do spare a thought for those who are spare tyres in your life.

PS: to all my dear friends reading this, do not ask me what happen yah? Don't think too much lah.... ;p

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Mr Kimoto... He really not too photogenic lah... but he really SUPER ATTRACTIVE in person loh.. REALLY! Posted by Hello

Went Back to School Today

Supposed to go for my job as telemarketer today... but did not....... I had dinner with my friend's bosses (those japanese from the exhibition) yesterday. They said that its really, terribly difficult to ask Japanese corporate to do telephone surveys... especially for those calling from abroad... They told me lots of terrible things like slamming your phonecall even before you finish your 1st sentence, they will pretend to ans your call, let you speak but in fact they just pick the phone aside and do their stuff etc.....
So I decided to just give it up and go for my FOC dry run....

Today's dry run was quite fun.... think the climax was the Haw Par Villa night trail... hahha.. how many people can get to visit Haw Par Villa at night? We went to many many exclusive places... though I slipped and fell abit, but overall it was quite cool! Hope we can really have our fright night there... *Pray Hard*

That's all for today lah.... nothing much lah...... Hope you guys are not bored....

Monday, May 16, 2005

Not in a Good Mood today

As the title of this entry suggest, don't ask me why....
But I just wanna say something.
Some people in this world needs only ONE praise to boost his/her confidence. Such person will take 1000 discouragements to feel depressed...
But there are people in this world who needs 1000 praises in order to raise a bit of the confidence but it takes just ONE discouragement to bring his/her whole faith down beyond earth....

And sadly, misspeirong belongs to the latter..........................

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Happy and Sad At The Same Time -- Do you know what's the feeling?

VERY HAPPY!!!!!!! but also VERY SAD~~~ :(((
Today is the last day of work at Expo. Really had a great time and experience there. Though it had been quite tiring~~ Today's work started like per normal, doesn't feel like saturday... As promised, I am going to FA HUA CHI again~~~ hee ;D

He only nodded at me when I greeted him Ohaiyo gozaimasu.... But I did not feel down or anything lah... I was quite busy in the morning, not doing translation but photocopying, stapling, like do admin stuff lah... But while I sat there, can see him walking up and down the whole morning! Hahahaha... so felt quite happy lah....

After the 12pm early lunch, I felt that time was crawling again...... There wasn't many customers today. Even when there was customers, I was like quite can't be bothered liao... haha.. cos last day! I will just answer their questions or just put up a typical smile to greet them loh...... Luckily I managed to make quite a no. of friends from my neighbouring booths! People from all ages, nationalities and position... very interesting! haha.... den a few more took my contacts, say they will call me up when they need translators... Den got this very weird guy (from my neighbouring booth) , who i thought was from Philipines, said he was from Barcelona ,Spain. He gave me his namecard and ask me to call him when I have plans to go Spain... Den later he said can call him anytime, and even asked when will I call him! I really freak out loh!!!!!!!!! I definitely not going to call him!

Ok! Back to him! After lunch, he kept walking past my booths!!! hahaa.. though never stop or say anything, I was still happy to see him so often!! Today he really broke record loh.. normally he will only passed my booth about 2X per day. But today he passed by my booth for about 4/5X!!! wahahaa.... But sometimes I saw him chatting away happily with their own translator (gal), I really envied her loh..... Den my dear friend (gal) came to me at around 4+ saying that he and his colleague was at her booth, talking to her! I was like... SO ENVIOUS!!!!!!!! She asked me to go over but too bad, I was busy at that moment! HAI~~~~

Its almost 5pm, 1 hr more to knocking off, so I went to get camera from my dear friend to take some photos to keep as memories... I took photos of my bosses and people from other booths lah... hahaa... of course his booth!! I did not take photos with them, just take their booths and the people there. When I reached his booth, I told the translator and the agent of that booth that I want to take a photo of them. He was sitting on the chair, his colleague (japanese as well) saw me and beckoned him to stand up. Den it seems like they were up to something... they kept pointing and looking at me... in my heart I was like "SHIT!!!! DUN TELL ME HE KNOWS THAT I THINK HE IS HANDSOME!!!" (cos I was in quite close term with the translator and told her...) I was super super super worried loh.. But I just kept looking at the camera screen, pretend that I did not notice anything... Den while I position myself, they were also positioning themselves. DEN all of them just simultaneously asked him to stand in the centre! I was like thinking "ok.. fine... maybe because of his post...." So I just ignore lah.....

Den the translator asked me to show her the photo to see if it was ok... Den while she and I tried to figure out how to look at photos, his colleague (that same japanese) beckoned him again and pointing at me! I cannot hear what they were talking about. I just pretend I was concentrating at the camera. Den suddenly the agent of the booth said to me "Aye! Dun leave yet! He wants to take photo with you!" I was like...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Den I said " DUN BLUFF!!" He said "Really!" My immediate reaction was turn to the translator and said "WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM!!???" She said she did not say anything..... Den I really totally froze there for 2 sec! After that I just step a few steps back and stood there loh~~ the translator took for us...
DEN~!~!~! hahhaa..... when he came stand by my side, he put his hand over my shoulder loh... WAHAHAHA~~ But just for awhile only, cos he felt too embarrassing so he put down... Den finally after the photo was taken, I turned to him and say Thank you ( cos I really dunno what else I can say!). He was like putting his both hands on his face, den he swept his hands down his face! (you get what I mean??) While doing that he said something to his colleague, which I THINK, I THINK only! He said that his face was turning red.
When he went back to booth, he gave me his namecard, tell me to send him the photo. I of course said OK lah~~ Den when I was about to leave, he asked me what's my name. I showed him my name tag and decided to write my name in Jap for him to pronounce better. Den I left, continue to pretend that nothing had happened!!

From the time I went to the booth till the time I left, it was about 4 min. But now it seems like it happened in only 4 sec! Throughout the whole 4min, I just act blur ALL THE WAY! Pretend that I am not excited, not happy! But actually in my mind I was laughing like mad!!!!! After that I went around to took some other photos as well... But the time there was never the same again! I was basically smiling throughout the remaining 1 hr! telling everybody that I am very happy! hahahah....... crazy hor????

When everything really ended, its time for us to leave, I went to his booth and say byebye to the translator and exchange contact... Den she and my friend ask me to say byebye to him. I was very paiseh, did not want to. Den they say, its just normal for me to say byebye. So I said loh... Den he said "Mata Aimashou!" meaning we will meet again! (It's something like a formality sentence, just like "take care")

Hai~ You may wonder what's the sad part? The sad part is~~ I dun think I will ever see him again..... and I still did not manage to have a proper conversation with him...... :(((

But nevermind lah... Got to get my life going on! I am sure I will soon forget about him... That's it for now! I promised, I wun mention him again in my blog entries liao! So sorry for this HUA CHI thingy.....

Friday, May 13, 2005

SUPER TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did not have an entry yesterday because I only reached home at 12..... Went to do waitressing after my job at expo...... I calculated the no. of hours I stood yesterday-- 11!!!!!!!!! By the time I got home, I felt as if my feet doesn't belong to me.... its aching like hell!!!!!! The stupid shoes I wore during waitressing gave me blister!!! Whole night I was like a cripple! Thanks to a kind soul who helped me get plasters, if not .... I cannot imagine.....
Anyway, yesterday nothing much. He only said "Ohaiyo" when we met in the morning...... :( and oh, I found out that he is married :((((
OH! I had a tele interview with this Japanese stuff from an IT company in Science Park, not terrible, but I thought it was bad enough. But during the interview, I was really thankful that my Jap teacher taught us Honorific-form the last semester! WHEW~~ But I still was not able to answer a few of the questions..... I thought "that's it! I wun get the job"

This morning, my leg no longer ache but its SUPER TIRED, very suan. So I decided to do a 15min electro reflexology before going to expo. Suprisingly, if worked! haha..

For the time before lunch, I felt so useless again....... Not much customers, cannot translate much.... hai~~ so "shi pai"! Managed to make friends from people from the opposite booth! So we chatted quite abit! hahaha... Din get to talk to him at all! Not even make eye-contact....

I had an early lunch today at 12 ( my work starts at 1030). As usual, continuing bitching about so-n-so, who-n-who.... Although don't felt like going back to the booth, we did anyway..... It was around 230, just as I find time passing SUPER slowly, I got a phonecall!!! My agent called me, and said that they had accepted me!!! WOOHOO~~ I was like THANK GOD!!!! Thereafter, my mood starts to get better! haha.. Managed to give out all the pamphlets available!!!!
And also, he passed-by my booth a few times and we nodded to each other! Den the whole afternoon, I kept turn to the side where his booth was and see what he is doing! (this is what I had been doing for the past 4 days lah) VERY HUA CHI RIGHT???? I cannot stand myself also!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha....

I also continue gossiping with my neighbouring booths, telling my friends that I managed to get a job starting Monday! They were all like "Huh!! So fast?? how come so li hai?" When I heard all these, in my heart, I was saying "because I have got GOD's blessing (",) !" My day was almost ending when I freally found myself more useful!!! I am now rather familiar with the products at my booth! I was the one who answered customers' qns and explaining the products!! My boss really quite lazy leh....... He kept sitting there checking the stock market using his handphone!
When its time to pack-up, he was still like sitting around, looking at his phone! (He look as if he still dun want to leave) I was the one who starting clearing and arranging everything!
But a surprise caught me while I was busy packing up, clearing the table!

You got it!!! He walked pass my booth and said "otsukaresama" and I replied "otsukaresamadeshita" (both mean thank you for a hard day's work) He went on saying "tsukareta?" I said "TSUkaremashita" (emphasising that I am really tired) Den he just smile and left! wahahahhaa......... That really brings a VERY NICE ending to my day man!!!!!!!

But this is not the end yet. My friend's (guy) bosses, asked me and another friend (gal) for dinner. They had been asking for the past 3 days, I actually din want to go (cos my parents "warned" me not to...) And somemore my friend (guy) is not going..... But my friend (gal) was like saying its quite embarrassing to turn them down so many times, so we went! (my parents sure slaughter me if they knows about it.) These 2 bosses cannot speak English for nuts!!! The whole evening we were like chickens and ducks! Really quite jialat! We went to a popiah restaurant and eat "zhu chao", in the end, quite expectedly, they foot the bill of $95 ($25 for the beer they drank). Though many times, we don't quite understand each other, we enjoyed ourselves! They are really very nice people! Especially for Japanese, very gentlemen, very humorous (though they are quite old, 40 n 34 and short, and not good-looking...)
Me and my friend (gal) bought bah kwas as gift for them, will give them tmr.

Hai~~ Speaking of tmr, it will be the last day, although I always felt like time was just dragging past, and felt tired standing there the whole day, there are very memorable moments as well! Its also a wonderful experience as well! I kind of don't bear to see this whole thing end so quickly... :'(
But well, life goes on! Most of the Japanese will be leaving Singapore on Sunday, I shall really start looking forward to my new job on Monday! Its speaking Japanese as well!! *can't wait*

Ok.... Today's entry is really long... Cos got alot of "fei hua" and its like a combination of 2 days... I had not been posting on mdmd forum cos really very exhausted everytime I reach home. Apart from writing blogs and check email, I don't do anything else... ok.. Got to go sleep now... To All Those Reading This : Do take care yah? Just one more day before I go back to normal! Will definitely stop all those HUA CHI stuff after tmr!!! Hontou Gomenasai! (really sorry!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Mou Tabeta? Tsukareta?

hahaha.... its a nice day today man!! I finally got some use today, got a Chinese Indonesian came to my booth. He cannot speak English!! hahaha.. so I am useful in translating Jap/Eng in to Chinese!! Den today's business oso not bad... got lots of ppl come exchange namecards but dunno whether got sales or not lah! (actually none of my business lah.. cos no business, i still get my pay ;p)

And regarding the title of this entry? well~~ its the 2 qn tat Charismatic guy asked me!! haha... It was 130pm, he was on his way to lunch, passing by my booth he asked : Mou Tabeta? (already eaten) I was super surprised!!! I said not yet, at 2. Den he showed the "wah-so-late-ah" face wahaha...
Den 15 min b4 knock-off, my colleague and I were chit-chatting, den he came and said: Tsukareta? (tired?) I said yes, my colleague oso said a little. I return asking how about him, he said he is tired too.... Den after that, I just walked away. So PAISEH!!!! although its just 2 very simple phrases, wahaha.. I can't stop grinning the whole day loh~~~

I still din managed to find out whether he is married or not.... dare not ask... But managed to find out his name is Mr Kimoto and he is 36... haha... 15 yrs older than me... The more I see him, the cuter I think he is.. he look like the more mature version of Takeshi Kaneshiro when he smile, he look like a clown when he just star around, and he look like Jim Carrey when he speak! haha.. Hard to imagine? I will try get his photo on the last day!! wahahaha....
Shall try harder tmr to get more info of him!!!! He is now my everyday motivation to travel 1 hr to work in the morning!

Sorry to all those reading to these FA HUA CHI entries.. Guess its going to be like that for the next 3 days ba... so just bear with me yah??? It's been a long time since I been so excited le... apart from Mayday.. haha...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Otsukaremashita!! (tired)

YOSH!!!! otsukaremashita kedo, zuibun ureshikatta! (i am tired but i am pretty happy!)

Today was my 1st day of of work at "translator" at the exhibition! haha... i said "translator" cos..... I din do much loh... the job is really slack! just that abit waste energy lah... Got to stand whole day loh... (though the boss from my booths kept asking me to sit) but how to sit?? I feel so embarrassing sitting so close to them!!!! And they can all speak a little English loh.. Dunno what am I there for!!! When they dunno some words in English, I also dunno it in Jap! What the h***

I was quite disappointed today also.. Remember I was saying how excited I was cos I wanna go see some Jap shuai ges??? Oh man.... The moment I stepped in, i was like -_- about 50% of them can be my Dad, 40% can be my grandfather.............. another 9.99% also CMI...........

BUT.... amongst all these, I managed to find this not really good looking but charismatic guy!!! hahaha... he is 2 booths away from mine... haha... Though he look ard 30+ but he is very comical!! haha... He even tried to test my Jap.. haha... and he kept asking what happened when he saw me n his colleague talking and laughing! hahaha....
okok.. enough of laughing... I shall find out more about him tmr!! Wish me luck man!! for the last time, hahahhaha........

Monday, May 09, 2005

Are We Really Who We Think We Are?

I had an exciting evening yesterday! I went back to the restaurant to work as waitress, after 2.5 years! The reason I quit then was because I cannot stand being scolded for nothing, or having to meet some irritating superiors and of course because my dear Dad doesn't want me to work there anymore. ( He doesn't know that I am working since he is in China)
Although I left there for 2.5 yrs, the idea of going back had never left my mind. Not only the pay is not bad and timing is flexible, but also because of 1 thing. I wanted to prove 1 thing.

From observation, I realised that I am and was the only undergrad there. This seriously amuse me alot. My co-workers used to be poly students, aunties and Malaysians. My co-workers now are aunties, Malaysians and PRC. I realised that many people in my social circle thinks that waitress/waiter is a "lower-class" job. You have to serve customers, do the so-called "dirty" jobs. Perhaps this is an issue of self-esteem. Many undergrads, supposedly the "elites" of the society, feels that they should be doing a more "high-class" job than serving people. Whereas, my co-workers, do not have this mentality. I guess this is the main reason why I am the only undergrad there.

I am not trying to despise anyone nor am I saying that "Hey! u know? I am different leh" I had this same mentality 2.5 yrs back! Whenever I was reprimanded or being ordered around, my mind was like " Why am I here allowing people pushing me around?" " All these people are not capable at all, what rights do they have to treat me this way?" blah blah blah.... But after I left, I heard many people complaining that " What so big deal about undergrad?" saying undergrad are pampered kids of the society, without actual social surviving skills. This really set me into thinking. "Perhaps what they said are really true."

That's why I am back to the restaurant. I like to be in the service industry. I don't see it as a "low-class" job. I enjoy the satisfaction you get. But too bad people around me are rather disapproving with this. Most importantly, I want to prove that we undergrads are not pampered kids! We do have the survival skills required! Now that I am back, I am really determine that whatever happened in the past between me n my superiors, will not repeat itself.

Lastly, my thought of the day:
To all those who thinks that serving people is a "low-class" job, allow me to say this, no jobs are "lower-class" than others. You may not want to take up certain jobs, but please do respect those who had taken what you deem as "low-class". For they took pride in their jobs as well.

For those who goes around thinking they are more superior in the society, I have some words for you -- You are the Truly Low-Class species of the society.

A Lousy week

It has been a week since I last updated my blog... This is because my Dad had been in town! With him around, I find it very inconvenient to use the PC (the PC is in his room). Now that he had gone back to China, YES!!!!

The past week was not good AT ALL! My Dad is back, and he start bossing people around as per normal. Everything he also wants to ask, everything he also wants to have his comment! His attitude towards everybody in the family had been ER XIN!!! Especially towards my grandparents!!! To avoid him, I had been out almost everyday. Even if I am at home, I will just read my book in my room and can't be bothered with anything that is happening in the house.

Thanks to him, I managed to finish my 2nd Dan Brown's book within 4 days. Thanks to him that I was able to had a great time with my friends ( @050505 and outing wif Yixuan n Weiting). Thanks to him I managed to watch 30 eps of One Piece in 3 days.
ALso, "Thanks" to him , I wasn't able to go down to church! And last but not least! "THANKS" to him for giving me such a LOUSY WEEK!

Monday, May 02, 2005


你们有没有想过呢?究竟朋友对你来说, 是你生命中除了家人以外的靠山? 是当你遇到困难时的救兵? 是当你有满腔怨怒, 让你发泄的垃圾车? 又或者朋友对你来说,只不过是在你的每一段人生旅途中遇见的过路人? 有空的时候向他发一发简讯或电邮? 还是说,只有那些不会泼你冷水,不会责备你,有好东西和你分享的人,你才会把他当朋友?

我也不知道我是否算得上幸运。 在我的这21 年里,认识的人不少, 但是他们全都是我的朋友吗? 我不知道。 因为在我还来不及更近一步了解他们时, 他们已经从我的生命里消失了。 这些年来,我发现我身边, 称得上朋友的, 真的没有几个。 我其实也不需要很多, 只要几个真心对我的就够了。 难道就那么难吗?

曾经, 朋友占据了我生命的一大部分。 但是, 随着年龄的增加, 加上一次又一次的失望。 我对“朋友” 这两个字有了新的定义。对我来说, 朋友不是竞争对手, 不是和你比较谁的成绩比较好, 谁比较受欢迎, 谁比较漂亮,谁比较帅,谁身材比较好, 谁比较有钱, 谁能够较到比较多朋友等等等。不是让当你犯错时就把责任往他身推的人, 也不是让你在他背后捅他一刀的人 。 朋友更加不是在你找不到适当人选去逛街, 去玩时的后备轮胎。 你是以上所述的人之一吗? 如果你是, 我知道我没资格说什么, 但我真心地恳求你不要再这么做了好吗? 因为, 你真的会非常严重地伤害到那些真心真意对你的朋友。

当然, 人非圣贤。 每一个人都有缺点。 在这世界里, 不是所有的人都能完完全全地接受你这个人。 你也不可能遇到一个让你一句怨言都没有的人。 所以, 有些时候, 对朋友有什么不满, 不应该马上就去向第三者投诉或者对他破口大骂。现在你受不了他, 那你有没有想过他也会有受不了你的时候呢? 如果你仔细地观察周围的人, 不难发现到大家身边的好朋友都是在人生最近的阶段里认识的。 有多少人还能和小学, 中学的朋友常常碰面, 结伴出门呢? 人似乎都是喜新厌旧的。 当认识了新的, 有趣的朋友, 他现在的朋友, 渐渐地就会成为过去式了。有一些人, 他们认为自己的朋友很多, 没有必要去忍受任何让他受不了的人。 我觉得这些人是可悲的。 因为他们永远都在逃避, 永远都学不会人与人之间的相处之道, 永远都不会知道朋友的可贵, 也永远不知道朋友是什么。

我记得曾经有一个人对我说 “ 我们这个年纪, 能够交朋友的机会越来越少了。 现在失去的朋友, 以后很难再把这个位子补上了。 所以, 要珍惜你眼前的所有朋友。” 我现在把这句话送给大家。 另外在加一句。 “尤其是那些真心真意对你的朋友。”

请大家不要误会。 我只所以写了这篇语录并不是遇到了什么让我难过伤心的( 就算有, 也已经是很久以前的事了。) 这真的只是我有感而发写的感想。 如果你觉得写得还不错, 我在这里对你说声谢谢。 但如果你觉得写得不好, 那很抱歉, 让你浪费了宝贵的时间。