
Monday, February 27, 2006

今天上學可以算是比較輕鬆的了~ 除了講堂課,其餘三小時的輔導課都好像是在玩遊戲。

首先,他說他對 "中古" 這個詞彙很懊惱,說什麽他以前讀歐洲史也沒有看過這個詞。(誰管你有沒有看過歐洲史啊?靠!)再來,他還說如果這個詞彙真的已經存在了一段時間的話,他不可能沒聼過!!! (!@*&#@^#*$| 你沒聼過不代表它不存在!!! 你以爲你是誰啊?靠靠!!!)
對於中國學者寫的歷史材料,他說 "都不知道他們的真實性有多少"。西方學者寫的,他說"這些西方人根本對中國人有偏見。" (你那麽棒,下一代的歷史文獻靠你了!! 靠靠靠!!!!!)
説道這裡,我真的忍無可忍了!!!! 雖然,今天上課的材料我沒印也沒讀!! 我真的沒有辦法聼他在這裡任意地提出他那些不負責任,沒經過大腦的言論!!!


陣亡到數進入最後階段:11小時 ><

Sunday, February 26, 2006


hahaha... The discussion on ptt2 has really been funny!!!! haha.. They actuallly trying very hard to look for evidence to proof that there's something going on between Ashin and Monster!!! wahahahhaa... Below is a series of photos which I thought are really funny and most importantly SWEET!!!!!!


: : 阿信:(看著怪獸)要問我嗎?

: : 阿信:(還是看著怪獸)你想知道嗎?

: : 怪獸:(看著阿信)是啊

: : 阿信:(哭腔)超累的 (然後就趴到怪獸肩上)

: : XDDD 石頭只能在旁邊笑著看 完全無法介入

Source: ptt2

wahahahha... super funny!! But its really not very common to see Ashin totally lie on somebody's shoulder >< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">最佳作詞獎

All the Best for 金曲獎 in JUNE!!!! not May :ppp

Today, Ashin has got a 簽書會 at 台北!!
After seeing him alone, without company for SOSOSO long, things got a little better today!!!!
Haha~~ well~ Monster and Stone went to his 簽書會 today and pretend to be fans, getting autograph!!!!!!

阿信:喂 你們沒有號碼牌耶!
書迷獸:阿信~~(嗲)可以幫我畫愛心嗎? 阿 還有笑臉 順便留一下電話號碼好不好?
阿信:對阿 09354....
書迷獸:喂!!!這是我的電話欸 (激動)(簽完之後)
書迷獸:耶~我有愛心耶~~~(真的很開心的樣子) 回家之後要裱起來 書不用看了拉(手揮一揮)


書迷石:阿信~~(嗲)可以幫我寫to狗狗"嗎?(大家尖叫) 阿 我也要畫愛心跟笑臉喔 阿 還要寫永遠愛你



(後來三人走到前面來 哈拉一陣子)

書迷獸:阿來加油一下好了(伸出手)(信石伸出手搭在獸手上)三人:一 二 三 關我屁事!

source: ptt

wahahahaha~~~ Damn funny!!!

I dunno whether this was pre-arranged, i assume its not!!! :ppppp

As I read through all the fans accounts of what happened, I was extremely touched :'(((((
Can you imagine after going for all the 通告 all alone, without your usual best pals around, and then suddenly they appear at your 簽書會 to give you support??
I did imagine such things to happen, but I din imagine myself to be so touched when it REALLY happen!!! If I was Ashin, I would have cry until dunno like what...
Afterall, friends like that are hard to get.... hai...


heyhey!!! Thank you guys for spending ur precious sat with me!!! hahaha... Had a very vey good time!!!! Thanks so much yah??? Can't wait to see you guys soon again yah?? hehe....

And yes... I am still not done with my test and my project reading.... die liao... dunno how to survive nx week..... :((((

May GOD bless me....

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Have been stationing by my laptop, listening to online radios for the past few days... Have been listening to Ashin going on air to promote his book... After listening, really pity him man... :(((
He have to say the same thing over and over and over again!!! Things like :

1) how he have to watch the 青春版牡丹亭 DVD for one day one night before writing 在梅邊.
2) how he have to pass 《絲路》sentence by sentence to Leehom and Fish.
3) how he used to imagine himself walking around uni campus with a 詩集 in his hand, pretending to have lots of 氣質.
4) how he have to keep laughing even when the host made an extremely-not-funny comment.
5) how he really really cherish Mayday when asked about the 單飛 thingy.. (although he had never once announce that he will never 單飛~)
6) how they managed to get 岩井俊二's 專屬劇照師--Ivy to help him take the photos...
7) how he always have to write his songs under a 狗急跳墻 situation and have to hand in last min...
8) that his 簽書會 will be on 25th n 26th Feb...

And.... I dun wanna listen to 《Happy Birth Day》for a short period!!!! Cos in the past few days, I totally 聽到要吐了!!!!!!

But of course at the same time, he did say a little bit of things that I never know...

1) 《讓我照顧你》is by far his most time consuming lyrics... (he took almost half a year to write this song~)
2) He actually had the idea of 私奔 when he was in Sec. sch... (not that he wanted to 私奔,just that he considered if he will actually do it if somebody he like asked him to..)
3) 《時光機》is a piece in which he did not have the courage to start recording after he completed it.


5) 香港Final Home 應該是在五月一號!!!!!!!!!

As a result of keep listening to all these, I haven't touch the textbook I planned over the holidays.. And the test will be on Tue!!! *faint*

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I felt totally cheated.... The letter that was sent to me states that I will be an untrained teacher before going NIE. But I went to sign the letter of appointment today, I was told that I will be going to NIE direct on 19th June 06.... What Am I Going To Do MAN???? Going direct to NIE will mean that I will have to stay in NIE for a year and serve a 3-year bond!! that means 4 years!!! Am I really willing to spend my precious 4 years being a teacher, at the end of which I get dunno-wat? I dunno... I am really lost.. Any wise ppl out there care to enlighten me?

At today's briefing at MOE, I met a person, a school-mate you can say~ He is from my previous church and he really said things that I was grateful to hear... Its been really nice talking to him~
Thank GOD for the chance~ ^_^

I din really mug today... just went to photocopy some readings... I was totally feeling nausea this afternoon. Even got my mum to pick me up from school...

Later in the evening, I met Yongqi at Tiong Bahru Plaza to watch Munich... Below are some personal thoughts after watching the movie...

For those who dunno, its a movie revolving ppl fighting for freedom and taking revenge in a highly agressive manner. This movie made killing seems so easy... Seems like as long as you have enough money, you can kill anybody you want...
At the same time, it shows how ppl makes sacrifices in hope for a place where they can proudly and truly call HOME...

Personally, I think its a must watch movie for ppl who takes peace for granted. Ppl such as those living in Singapore. As many of us in the world lives in peaceful environment, few can understand how the word PEACE can be extremely difficult in certain areas.
Hundreds and Thousands of ppl out there are still living in fear every moment. There are countries in which ppl can just kill someone on the street, ppl get killed for reasons they dun even noe. But I guess its indeed difficult for us to imagine what it is like to live in places like these... To those ppl, peace is all about staying alive. But to ppl like us, peace is about refraining from unsignificant daily disputes. Through watching this movie, I realised how the word PEACE had be used indiscriminately. Perhaps its time to think of what this word really means.
This movie sets in 1970s. While watching this show, I truly understood the verse from Imagine:

"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace" -- John Lennon

After almost 30 years, ppl are still fighting and struggling to survive. Methods are getting more and more extreme. More innocence are involved. More people abusing their powers ( wanna take revenge just say wanna take revenge lah!! still give so much crap reasons. So, even the man with the highest power in the world can be damn hum ji). The worst thing is, I can't believe ppl still allow such ppl to be the ruler of the world!

Once again, I really thank GOD that I live in a sunny island called Singapore. Although the govenment tends to be rather domineering, many things seems to be rather restricted, its has no resources to boast about, it doesn't have power on the international stage; I guess these are what keep us safe.

Pardon me for this dunno-wat-am-i-writing entry~ Just got lots of thoughts after watching the movie... Wasn't able to organise them properly.. So, maybe you wanna go watch the movie yourself so that you will understand :p

PS: Its M18~ quite abit of violence and a little nudity.
I shut my ears and eyes quite abit :ppp


-- Ang Lee described Brokeback Mountain as a sad and unforgettable movie.

But to me, I think this applies more to Munich....

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Went to watch Brokeback Mountain~ erm... some parts are quite funny period.
Before that, went on a shopping spree!! bought 3 tops and a pair of shoes~ and spent abt $100...
Die... I am really gonna be careful in my spending~ I still got lots of other more important things to buy... So, NO MORE shopping for me till maybe I go Hong Kong~

And yup! I forgot to announce, I dropped Japanese 6~ My Jap foundation is really too lousy for me to take that module... But I am definitely not going to give up learning Jap! Before I go into a more advanced level, I will have to brush up my basic!

Today is THE DAY!! I am going MOE at sign that contract... hai...
And den, it will be a busy day for me.. will be mugging in school after that and watch another movie Munich! Although I haven't watch this movie, I am pretty sure that its going to be better that Brokeback Mountain by quite a few times :ppp

Monday, February 20, 2006

今天下午自己一個人到 Orchard Rd ,幫我爸查一些事~ 原本打算待一會兒就回家~ 可是還是忍不住到 Kinokuniya 去。因爲知道 《Happy Birth Day》應該已經到了,所以想去看一看到底擺在那裏。正當我站在電動扶梯前往書店的時候,剛好有一個人從我身邊的電動扶梯下去。她之所以吸引到我的目光是因爲她的校服~ 是我的母校啊!但是我的目光之所以會一直逗留在她身上是因爲她手裏拿的書!! BINGO!!! 沒錯! 就是阿信的《Happy Birth Day》!!!!! 哈哈~我馬上變得超 "駭" 的!! 讓我更加興奮地朝書局走去!!

來到華文書籍部,馬上就看到那本書了~它佔據了前兩排,很顯眼哦!! 除了一般的書架上之外,收銀出的櫃台也有!!! 挂在墻上的顯示架也有!!! 哈哈~ 看了超高興的!!! 就這樣,很高興地踏出書局!!

下一站是 Shaw House 的超市~ 就是那閒有很多日本人的~ 買了一些麵包和蕎麥面的材料,就到許留山買飲料~ 雖然很貴,但是我還是決定寵一寵自己!! 之後就回家了~

喝著喝著,我突然覺得活在自己的世界裏其實很舒服也很幸福~ 不需要去理會身旁那些陌生人的眼光,照著自己的步伐和思路一步一步走~ 累了就停下來喝杯東西,時不時沉浸在自己的回憶,甚至是自己幻想出來的畫面裏~ 當然,這只不過是自己偶爾的放縱~ 不能太常又這種心態哦~

總而言之,我今天過得還蠻輕鬆的~ 看校園Superstar,連續聼了三首五月天的歌。雖然唱的馬馬虎虎,但能在公開的場合聽到他們的歌已經很滿足了!!! 之後又接到晶真的電話,重點討論香港Final Home~ 當然也不忘八卦一番啦!! hehe...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

woohoo~~ had a great evening today!! I really thought Li Teng is quite entertaining!! haha...
Oh~ and saw some IcucIc-ing sob ard~ wonder if they felt great with the "prestige" they got~

Ok! anyway~~ nvm those ppl~ Let me tell u guys something my beloved parents did...
Since Sep 05, my dad has been planning to sell his car~~ He says since he isn't in Singapore driving, must as well sell it~ Den dun need to pay the installment... So great~ He came back this Jan, checking out the price at which he could scrape the car and finding out how much outstanding loans he has with the bank~ before he can decide whether its worth scraping the car~~
And so, he went faxing to banks and asking his friends for advise~~

To be honest, I din feel good about this... Because, selling the car will mean that I can no longer use it!! But since the car's ownership belongs to my dad, I can't say anything... So from Sep 05 to Jan 06, I have been trying to drive like nv b4~ With the thinking that, if I dun drive enough now, I will soon lose the chance... And also I felt quite down everytime I think of this issue...
I did tell my mum that I very sian diao by the fact that Daddy is selling the car~ My mum actually told me that, you go ask him not to sell lah~ To see if he really dotes you!!
I was like -_-||| I will never do that loh...

In Feb, my dad went back to China, leaving the car issue unresolved~ So just a week ago, I asked my mum how was it? Issit worth selling the car?? Den my mum told me : Bluff you one lah!! We never really intend to sell the car! Actually we are intending to buy a new one... We say we wanna sell the car just to see how you will react...

I was like !#*#@&@Y&$)@^ I can't believe they actually went through so much trouble just to cheat my feelings!!!! AARRGG~~~ So my past months of anxiety went to waste... arrg....
Dunno whether to laugh or be angry~~

Actually they quite sweet lah~ really really thank GOD for them!!

Found a painting done by Ashin~

Not say I wanna praise him or wat lah~~ But seriously, objectively, Dun you think he is very very very talented?? He can compose nice songs, write beautiful words, draw very nicely and a has rather pro photography skills!!! Although if you see it individually, there are many other ppl out there who does all these much much better than him!! But tell me, how many ppl are there possess musical, literary and artistic talents all at a time??

Saturday, February 18, 2006

From now onwards hor~~ Ppl can either call me 黃老師 or 黃紅娘!!! hahaha...
Actually hor... 撮合 a couple is supposed to be quite a happy thing leh..
But hai.... *shake head*

Anyway!! I saw something quite rare today while driving back from school! All the traffic lights at the junction after Bukit Timah Plaza were not working!! Its a big big junction with cars going in 3 directions ah~~ Initially I very scared!! I scared suddenly some car dash here n there and refuse to let others go.. But I was totally amaze at how the traffic still flows safely!!! There weren't any jams and no selfish drivers!! very zai!! Must really give an applause to those drivers!! But I was there for only less than a min.. After that wat happened, I dunno lah~~

And yes!!
I have decided to drop my Jap!!! Today's class was terrible.... I realised I have to really go master all my basic n intermediate stuff~~~ Although its very 可惜 to drop at Jap 6. But I think no use continuing proudly when I noe that I will not improve... So yup! I will drop it after my mid-term break~~

And lastly~ Heard Ashin's interview today!! haha.. Can hear that he is really quite happy wor!! Yeah~~ Den he oso very very very 冷!!!!! cannot stand it!! wat 瓶頸堅???

Thursday, February 16, 2006

wah~ seems like I've got something to blog abt recently man~~~
Though its just some very dull life of mine, at least I have the mood to blog... There were times where I really saw something unusual/extraodinary~ But I just can't bring myself to blog abt it...

Anyway~ I got only one lesson today~~ its Jap... Today's Jap lesson was not as boring as b4!! Got more interaction with classmates as well as the teacher! Maybe cos now we more familiar with each other~ And our Jap teacher, he wore specs today!! haha... which in my own opinion, as well as dear Charmaine's, made him looks better!! erm... or should I say cuter~ haha... He got this blur blur look on his face!! Shall get a photo of his at the end of the sem and show to you guys! haha... Today during break, he asked me wat's the significance of the yellow band on my wrist~ Den I told him its given to me by my ex-cell leader~ Den he said his was oso given by his church! I was like O_O, And "本当?" just came out from my mouth... not only me~ my classmates were oso HUH!!? You are a Christian???? And he said yes~ haha... I think he noes why our reaction were so big~ He went on saying that how rare he is. Since only less than 5% of Japanese are Christians.... and said that he is an endangered specie... -_-|||
But anyway~ I guess we are more comfortable with him teaching us le~ Hai... I got more than 60% for my test... so nope! I am not dropping... :'(((((

Guess you guys noe abt the shooting incident that took place yesterday~ Till now, one of the suspect was already caught and the other fleed out of Singapore.. I am quite amaze by this!! Considering the fact that the SPF only took less than 24hrs to get one of the suspect! Dunno whether issit because their efficiency is really that high? or issit because criminals in Singapore are too stupid...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I am feeling so so so much better now! haha... Although I've got a Jap summary due tmr~ But heck care lah~ still have time to do!!

Anyway~ Got a few things that cheered me up! Now when I listen to Happy Birth Day, I dun feel depress anymore!! haha.... now can sing along and smile abit le!! hehe... oh! I forgot to say one thing!! 我知道錯了~ How could I put all my 主觀意見 onto this song?? nono~~ Its not right~~ Its afterall a different style of song, written for a different purpose. I am really sorry for wat I've commented on this song previously~~ Its really very unfair to him and to those involved in producing this song~ I have come to understand this... Therefore I still hope that Ashin gets the recognition he deserved!!! His singing for this song not bad lah~~ Although dun have the Rock element and I dun really feel the Happy~ but still ok lah~~ (i not biased towards him ok? haha...) If we just listen to it like any other normal non-Mayday song, its really OK LAH!!! So hope he will still JIAYOU!!! Hope that in future, he can come out with books that are more substantial and can really show-off his 文筆!!! and heck all those "I c u c I c-ING" reports!!! Like what Jingzhen said, he is afterall human~ want to judge oso must judge fairly mah~~ hai... sin again...
As for the 散 or 不散 thingy, 我暫時不去想~ 想那麽多也沒用啊~ 要來的終究擋也擋不了~ 只有珍惜現在所擁有的,盡情地享用,才對得起自己嘛!!! 但是有心理準備還是很重要的啦!! 這麽一來,當事情真的發生時,倒還不至於措手不及~ 所以,你做好心理準備了嗎?hehehe.. ^_^

1) Thanks to a song by Leehom!! 大城小愛!!! Its SO SO SO SWEET!!! hehehhe... can't stop smilling while listening to this song!! Really 越聼越好聼!!! The lyrics, melody and 編曲 are all so nice!!! hehehe...
脑袋都是你心里都是你,小小的爱在大城里好甜蜜。念的都是你全部都是你,小小的爱在那城里只为你倾心~~~ lalala lalalala~

2) Thanks to some news clips!! haha... 1st is the one showing Ashin shooting MV~ he is still like kidding ard~ The other one is the Masa and Jingru one! hahaha... When 小虎 says he wants to spend Valentine's Day with Jingru, she turned to Masa and say "可以嗎?" Den Masa was like stunned and dunno wat to say! Den he say "可以啊~ 幹嗎問我啊?" Den Jingru said "我是在問你可以跟上海的朋友打聲招呼嗎~ 你在說什麽啊?" wahahahha.... so funny!!! And to those who think they are together, hmm... in my own opinion, they are not lah~~ but think its reallly getting bored yah?

And here is one photo I got from Qiuping!! It really will cheer ppl up!! haha... hope it did cheer u up!! hahaa...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today is a very depressing day.... :(((
Saw that post 1st thing in the morning... Caught all my brain cell into pondering over that issue...
Den suddenly all the news, gossips, guesses were like undergoing some form of data analysis in my mind...

Attended the lesson on 史記, which made me feel like a handicapped... Seeing my classmates arguing with each other, I really felt as if I am attending a lesson in a language I dun understand... So much so that I respect and like the teacher, I just can't comprehend that book!! Everytime I look at it, I will just put it aside after reading one or two pages... And great! After mid-term break nx week, we will be tested on that... Hope I can finally nurture an interest in reading that book...

These were the reason why I asked them for lunch~ Seems like no matter how lousy my mood was, they will have the ability to make me laugh my hearts out and feel better~~ IThat's the reason why I asked them to have lunch with me rather often! I guess this just shows that different groups of friends appear in your life for entirely different reasons~ And I thank GOD for all these different groups of friends~ To this two particular friends, I noe one of them doesn't read this blog and the other just turn up occasionally~ But I still wanna say a BIG BIG THANK YOU!!
The delivering of the delivery-man to Clementi was a new kind of experience~ haha~~
The chatting session outside LT7A was erm... dunno how to say lah~ But I guess I really did gave one of them a very wonderful Valentine's Day present XDDD
The rest really up to him le!! Just hope that he wun 有了異性就沒了人性!!
In all, thanks for such compromising friends!!! Sorry that I always "bully" u all lah~~

2nd as well as the last lesson of the day did not make me any better than the 1st one... Its Jap... I totally dunno wat to do with all my vocab quiz, lecture quiz and homework... I got the worst possible result one could get for ALL of them!!! hai~~ Really very very demoralising man... The possibility of me dropping this subject has reached a peak! Like I promised, if I score less than 60% for my test yesterday, I will drop it!

So yup! This is my lousy day today... I totally cannot remember that today is Valentine's Day if not for all the sms from all my friends~ All the stress and unecessary worries are piling over me~ Anyway hope all of you had a very happy Valentine's Day yah?? No money and time to get presents, so I hereby dedicate a 詞 to all my beloved friends out there~~~


-- 生查子

of course I dun hope anyone to 淚溼春衫袖 lah~~~
I hope everybody are able to experience the 眾裏尋他千百度,驀然回首,那人正在燈火闌珊處kind of feeling ah~~ 情人節快樂!!!


就如標題所說~ 這是我的個人看法啦~ 我相信不同意的大有人在~ 如果看了之後有什麽讓你不爽的地方,我只能說歹勢~

剛剛聼了阿信的新歌《Happy Birth Day》~ 歌詞如下:

為什麼奶昔不甜 為什麼風景不美 因為你 在身邊 世界只剩下 一個焦點
一開始你就特別 從眼神就很體貼 我們都 不穿鞋 光著腳穿越 耳語流言

在這之前我到底是誰 你出現 我眼前 一瞬間 一切都改變

happy birth day 你就在我身邊
和你吃苦一生 勝過天堂一天

happy birth day 告別憂傷昨天
自從遇見了你 才是我 happy birth day

風箏和風在纏綿 詩人和詩在兜圈 你坐在 我旁邊 這一種快樂 無法描寫
世界我環遊一圈 看很多空中小姐 都沒有 比你美 第一名模也 只能閃邊

灌溉了我的荒野 開滿了玫瑰
我不累 我不睡 我不休息 我不闔眼 我不想浪費 每一秒 在這個 有你的世界

光看歌詞就會覺得這是一首很甜蜜的歌~ 可是看到這首歌的幕後班底,我已經超級失望了~ 有些人說,是該讓其他團員休息一下了~ 也有人說這是爲了強調這是阿信自己的獨立作品~ 各由其說。。。 不論是什麽理由,我都沒辦法接受。。。
現在,聼了整首歌之後,我的失望指數又倍數激增~ 原本應該是很甜蜜的一首歌,不論你相信與否,我聼到我眼淚差點流下來~ 不是因爲感動,而是因爲難過和失望~ 風格與之前的完全不同不在話下,這根本就像是一首男生團體的歌~ 我甚至感覺不到阿信有用心去唱這首歌~ 當然我不是指他的歌唱技巧啦~ 只不過我不知道聼了之後應該有什麽樣的感覺,一切好像變得好模糊~
聼《戀愛-ING》會不自覺地笑出來,心情會自動變好,聼《知足》和《牙關》能夠感受其中的痛~ 可是《Happy Birth Day》呢?我完全不知道。。。
或許有人會認爲是我自己想太多了~ 可能是吧~ 我也希望是!!!!
大概是因爲昨天和她們閒聊之後的後遺症吧~ 到底我們閒聊的内容中,真實的成分佔了多少?我想也只能由時間來告訴我們~

Monday, February 13, 2006

This had been a wonderful weekend man!!! chilled out ALOT!!! With Celest, Qiuping n Steph!!! Cannot remember when was the last time we did that man... Thanks for the postcards!! Really very touched!!!(and yes! I did cry~) We must really do this more often yah??? ;))) erm.. but nx time must definitely need to bring pen man!!

And of course!! Chilled out with JingZhen, Georgina, Yurong and Eileen!! SHIOK SIA!!! Talked about LOTS of stuff as well!!! Really gave me lots of INSIGHTS!! From Mayday to being a teacher to students nowadays n past~ It really made me realised lots n lots of things!! Seems like everytime to Jingzhen can made me realised lots of things! Last time oso like that!!! Really man!! If any of u still remember, I re-open my blog because of something she told me that time.... and u guys let me 大開眼界!!! I am amazed by how students and teachers can actually behave!! And its definitely useful sia~~ hehe...

And yes!!! over the weekend, I received the MOE letter.. I am gg to be a TEACHER!!! ha~~ Dunno whether to cheer or cry~ But anyway~ I am going to just try it out!!! I will be teaching Chinese Language and CHinese Literature!! And yes Georgina!! I promised Mayday's Lyrics will be the CORE curriculum!! (think the school will kick me off :ppp)


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Today's 1st tutorial was like a battlefield~ Battle between China, Malaysia and Singapore~
All the students were supposed to read a page of 古文 such as :



All the paragraphs were supposed to be decipher by students. And yup! U may have guessed it... Out of the 10 students who spoke-up, 6 were from China, 3 were from Malaysia and.... 1 from Singapore... I was like oh man~ Everytime a paragraph was awaited to be deciphered, I hope it will be someone from Singapore, but everytime I heard the accent, I am disappointed... :((( So needless to say... China win the "battle" handsdown...

Another tutorial, also Chinese tutorial was so much more interesting!! We were also supposed to infer from 古文. But this time, its so much easier and no competition at all lah~ Of course I say its interesting only because I can answer some of the questions lah~ :ppppp
I really hope after this semester, my ability to read those horrendous text will improve man~ This is also the reason why I took these 3 modules~

But before that, I hope I can come to an enlightenment in my Jap lang... Its really like killing me~ So much things to do outside class~ And even so, no improvement at all!!! I still have 2 more weeks to consider if I should drop this Jap module.. Hope I will not lah~ But I really wanna have a very relax final semester leh... :-(luckily our Sensei showed us a super funny video on honourific form today!! Time did seems to pass faster XDDD And it did increase our confident level by abit~ haha... cos we saw Japanese who were worse than us heheheh...)

題外話:looking thru the net, reading all the news... The more I read, the more sian I get... Really dunno wats wrong with newspaper reporters nowadays... Always use those more and more 下三濫的手段~ And like to 無中生有~
However, for one particular news... Perhaps many will think its really 無中生有,I would very much wanna ridicule about it.... But I can't... :((( Because it happened to be something that I've always kept in mind~ So issit true? or issit just reporters has nothing to write? I guess only time will tell ;)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Cool~ Finally got an update of their news!! Isn't it better this way rather than everybody goes around speculating?? Very unhealthy u noe~? haha...

The more you try to avoid the topic, the more attention you gather~
Maybe its really time to make use of this chance to shut ppl's imagination from running any wilder~
Anyway~ good job!!!

ok!!! just wanna update to all my friends, I have got a new craze!!!!! wahahahaha....
But dun worry celest!! I still love Mayday ok~ haha...
This new craze is actually this Hong Kong actor~ From the lawyer show on channel 8 every weekday 9pm!! NOT that 林峰 ok?? I dun share the same taste as dear Qiuping~ XDDD
Its the other one!!! the taller, cuter, smile with a dimple one!!! wahaha...
His name is 陳鍵鋒 aka Sammul Chan aka 陳恩耀!!!
If you got no impression, he was actually the nurse acting opposite 佘詩曼 in the 紅衣手札 XDD
Din come to my mind that he was good-looking until I watch another lawyer show when I was in Guangzhou~

wahaha... i noe i am 發花痴-ING.... haha.. but no choice~ As my days in NUS starts to get shorter each second, I realised I dun have much chance to 發花痴 already... So allow me to 珍惜 these very last moments where I can still behave like a student/youngster...

Sunday, February 05, 2006


我沒有資格在這個論點上大作文章。因爲我成爲 "五月天的歌迷“ 也只不過是15個月的事。

2004年的11月開始對五月天的歌曲着迷。從那個時候我知道我遲了。爲了彌補之前沒來得及參與的,我努力地聆聽他們以往的歌曲,收看他們上過的節目。我必須承認,從前的我很少懂得欣賞一首歌的歌詞,多半都只注意曲的部分。一直到聼了五月天以前的作品之後,才漸漸發現歌詞所能散發的感動。在聼了以往的歌曲之後,心裏自然地出現一個疑問。 ”爲什麽現在的情歌比例變得那麽高啊?“ 當然以前也都有許多情歌,可是縂覺得人生海海,憨人,終結孤單,軋車等,這些非情歌比較讓人印象深刻。也許是因爲在主流的華語市場,這些個比較不常見把~

那個疑問並沒有逗留太長的時間。我慢慢發現他們原來有那麽多歌曲是如此地貼近我的生活,是那麽地能夠讓我感動。不論是曲或詞~ 我也越陷越深,做出越來越多很瘋狂的舉動,一些我曾經鄙視的舉動~ 一直到有一天,我開始覺得事情很不對勁。漸漸覺得自己太over了。原本一度要徹底地放棄,可是我卻不斷地從生活中找到一個個叫我不要放棄的理由。我仍舊瘋狂,不同的是,我開始提醒自己要理智地看待一切。

當我開始理智的時候,事情變得有點不一樣了。開始意識到五月天的改變~ 他們以前似乎比較快樂,雖然現在認識他們的人比較多。他們以前似乎比較自然,雖然他們現在的經驗比較豐富。大家開始擔心五月天是否會解散/單飛。(尤其是阿信)

現在阿信以自己的名義出了一本書。更加提高了大家的擔憂。有很多人認爲越來越多人喜歡阿信多過於喜歡五月天,因此有人也覺得這些人都是膚淺的,不知道什麽是音樂。我不否認這種人的確實存在的。但是並不是所有喜歡,欣賞阿信的人都是這樣的。這麽說,又會有人開始說我是在為自己辯護~ 因爲我最欣賞的五月天成員正是阿信。但我問心無愧。

世間上的每一個人,無時無刻都在改變。大家變化的步伐都不同。有些比較快,有些比較慢。有些人很刻意地讓自己改變,而有更多的人是不知不覺地在改變。試想想如果一個五嵗的小孩一直到了五十嵗思想上都沒有改變,應該不是一件好事吧~ 六年前我希望自己成爲一個女強人,六年后我卻希望自己成爲一個能夠享受生活的太太。六年前五月天是五個男孩,六年后五月天平均年齡已經三十嵗了。還叫他們男孩好像有點奇怪吧~

我曾經爲了五月天大費周章地想要進軍中國市場而不爽了很久。對我而言,五月天是一群敢于實現理想的人。但是他們卻為了進軍一個市場而特地為一首充滿感動的台語歌填上華語詞。雖然華語的詞也非常有意義。可是我就是我就是很不爽這首歌背後的企圖。可是我爸跟我說了句話,我的想法改變了。他說 ”每一個人都需要吃飯,不是擁有偉大的理想就可以生存的。“ 的確,單純爲了理想而活的人世上因該沒幾個吧~ 況且五月天的理想是成爲華人的披頭四阿~ 如果進軍不了華人最多的中國,即使擁有了世界各地的華人歌迷,也還是不能達成他們的理想阿~


曾經有人覺得我並不是真的欣賞五月天~ 因爲我偏愛他們較抒情的歌曲。而這些較抒情的歌並不是五月天的風格。所以結論是如果我欣賞五月天就不應該喜歡這類的歌~ 真的是這樣嗎?我不知道~ 我只知道我的音樂喜好

說了那麽多,如果沒抓到重點,我只是希望每個人的心胸能寬闊點,能夠對實際的生活坦然點。那麽心情可能也就能開心點啦~ ^_^

PS: 看到了那頁po文和推文,我真的有很大的感觸阿~ 不單是對五月天,還有很多其他的生活上的事啊~ 我想以後對那位姓周的,我也不會有太多意見了啦~

Thursday, February 02, 2006

woohoo~~ Ashin 要出書了!!!!
erm.. although I know of this news quite some time ago, I only post it now lah.. cos as the day of the 簽名會 gets nearer, I get more and more excited XDDD!
hai.. not as if its in Singapore and not as if I am in Taiwan and not as if I can go... :'(((

But still!!!!! Like I told alot of ppl!!! I cannot describe how delighted I am when this news is finally confirmed!! Erm... although I think I will be disappointed in some way, I am still happy to know that the book is going to be published!! very contradicting hor?? haha... I noe lah... Actually I kind of hope that he will really WRITE a book, be it novel/散文 etc... rather than just consolidating the past lyrics and insert photos that are mostly somebody else's 作品....

One other thing Yihua mentioned... If this book really sells very well... what does it mean??? Any implications along with this??? This is one thing I didn't thought of...

But still!! 暫且把這些都撇開... Because~~~ 阿信要出書了!!! XD