I am feeling so so so much better now! haha... Although I've got a Jap summary due tmr~ But heck care lah~ still have time to do!!
Anyway~ Got a few things that cheered me up! Now when I listen to Happy Birth Day, I dun feel depress anymore!! haha.... now can sing along and smile abit le!! hehe... oh! I forgot to say one thing!! 我知道錯了~ How could I put all my 主觀意見 onto this song?? nono~~ Its not right~~ Its afterall a different style of song, written for a different purpose. I am really sorry for wat I've commented on this song previously~~ Its really very unfair to him and to those involved in producing this song~ I have come to understand this... Therefore I still hope that Ashin gets the recognition he deserved!!! His singing for this song not bad lah~~ Although dun have the Rock element and I dun really feel the Happy~ but still ok lah~~ (i not biased towards him ok? haha...) If we just listen to it like any other normal non-Mayday song, its really OK LAH!!! So hope he will still JIAYOU!!! Hope that in future, he can come out with books that are more substantial and can really show-off his 文筆!!! and heck all those "I c u c I c-ING" reports!!! Like what Jingzhen said, he is afterall human~ want to judge oso must judge fairly mah~~ hai... sin again...
As for the 散 or 不散 thingy, 我暫時不去想~ 想那麽多也沒用啊~ 要來的終究擋也擋不了~ 只有珍惜現在所擁有的,盡情地享用,才對得起自己嘛!!! 但是有心理準備還是很重要的啦!! 這麽一來,當事情真的發生時,倒還不至於措手不及~ 所以,你做好心理準備了嗎?hehehe.. ^_^
1) Thanks to a song by Leehom!! 大城小愛!!! Its SO SO SO SWEET!!! hehehhe... can't stop smilling while listening to this song!! Really 越聼越好聼!!! The lyrics, melody and 編曲 are all so nice!!! hehehe...
脑袋都是你心里都是你,小小的爱在大城里好甜蜜。念的都是你全部都是你,小小的爱在那城里只为你倾心~~~ lalala lalalala~
2) Thanks to some news clips!! haha... 1st is the one showing Ashin shooting MV~ he is still like kidding ard~ The other one is the Masa and Jingru one! hahaha... When 小虎 says he wants to spend Valentine's Day with Jingru, she turned to Masa and say "可以嗎?" Den Masa was like stunned and dunno wat to say! Den he say "可以啊~ 幹嗎問我啊?" Den Jingru said "我是在問你可以跟上海的朋友打聲招呼嗎~ 你在說什麽啊?" wahahahha.... so funny!!! And to those who think they are together, hmm... in my own opinion, they are not lah~~ but think its reallly getting bored yah?
And here is one photo I got from Qiuping!! It really will cheer ppl up!! haha... hope it did cheer u up!! hahaa...
I am feeling so so so much better now! haha... Although I've got a Jap summary due tmr~ But heck care lah~ still have time to do!!
Anyway~ Got a few things that cheered me up! Now when I listen to Happy Birth Day, I dun feel depress anymore!! haha.... now can sing along and smile abit le!! hehe... oh! I forgot to say one thing!! 我知道錯了~ How could I put all my 主觀意見 onto this song?? nono~~ Its not right~~ Its afterall a different style of song, written for a different purpose. I am really sorry for wat I've commented on this song previously~~ Its really very unfair to him and to those involved in producing this song~ I have come to understand this... Therefore I still hope that Ashin gets the recognition he deserved!!! His singing for this song not bad lah~~ Although dun have the Rock element and I dun really feel the Happy~ but still ok lah~~ (i not biased towards him ok? haha...) If we just listen to it like any other normal non-Mayday song, its really OK LAH!!! So hope he will still JIAYOU!!! Hope that in future, he can come out with books that are more substantial and can really show-off his 文筆!!! and heck all those "I c u c I c-ING" reports!!! Like what Jingzhen said, he is afterall human~ want to judge oso must judge fairly mah~~ hai... sin again...
As for the 散 or 不散 thingy, 我暫時不去想~ 想那麽多也沒用啊~ 要來的終究擋也擋不了~ 只有珍惜現在所擁有的,盡情地享用,才對得起自己嘛!!! 但是有心理準備還是很重要的啦!! 這麽一來,當事情真的發生時,倒還不至於措手不及~ 所以,你做好心理準備了嗎?hehehe.. ^_^
1) Thanks to a song by Leehom!! 大城小愛!!! Its SO SO SO SWEET!!! hehehhe... can't stop smilling while listening to this song!! Really 越聼越好聼!!! The lyrics, melody and 編曲 are all so nice!!! hehehe...
脑袋都是你心里都是你,小小的爱在大城里好甜蜜。念的都是你全部都是你,小小的爱在那城里只为你倾心~~~ lalala lalalala~
2) Thanks to some news clips!! haha... 1st is the one showing Ashin shooting MV~ he is still like kidding ard~ The other one is the Masa and Jingru one! hahaha... When 小虎 says he wants to spend Valentine's Day with Jingru, she turned to Masa and say "可以嗎?" Den Masa was like stunned and dunno wat to say! Den he say "可以啊~ 幹嗎問我啊?" Den Jingru said "我是在問你可以跟上海的朋友打聲招呼嗎~ 你在說什麽啊?" wahahahha.... so funny!!! And to those who think they are together, hmm... in my own opinion, they are not lah~~ but think its reallly getting bored yah?
And here is one photo I got from Qiuping!! It really will cheer ppl up!! haha... hope it did cheer u up!! hahaa...

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