woohoo~~ Ashin 要出書了!!!!
erm.. although I know of this news quite some time ago, I only post it now lah.. cos as the day of the 簽名會 gets nearer, I get more and more excited XDDD!
hai.. not as if its in Singapore and not as if I am in Taiwan and not as if I can go... :'(((
But still!!!!! Like I told alot of ppl!!! I cannot describe how delighted I am when this news is finally confirmed!! Erm... although I think I will be disappointed in some way, I am still happy to know that the book is going to be published!! very contradicting hor?? haha... I noe lah... Actually I kind of hope that he will really WRITE a book, be it novel/散文 etc... rather than just consolidating the past lyrics and insert photos that are mostly somebody else's 作品....
One other thing Yihua mentioned... If this book really sells very well... what does it mean??? Any implications along with this??? This is one thing I didn't thought of...
But still!! 暫且把這些都撇開... Because~~~ 阿信要出書了!!! XD
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