
Friday, December 30, 2005


作詞:阿信(五月天) Rap詞:王力宏 作曲:王力宏

這廂是 夢梅戀上畫中的仙 那廂是 麗娘為愛消香殞碎
為了愛 不吃不喝不睡 但 穿過千年愛情不再流行 生死相戀
愛是什麼 什麼是 愛
接近以後就 電 喜歡以後就 追 膩了以後就 飛
但親愛 我為你狂 我為你變 就讓我愛你愛的很深很遠很古典

春水望斷 夏花宿妝殘 誰聞秋蟬 誰知冬來
冷鞦韆 笑聲似猶在 剪不斷 思念欲理還亂
前緣 等待 再續 後愛 夢梅 麗娘還魂 歸來
歲月 摧殘 髮白 就叫我白了頭鐵了心去等去愛


不停歇 不恨不怪不怨尤誰 只等待 牡丹開成燦爛的天
讓傳奇 永遠被人看見 讓 紅塵世人能夠感動能夠 深深瞭解
愛是什麼 愛並不 是
接近以後就 電 喜歡以後就 追 膩了以後就 飛
就讓這 雋永傳說 為你重演 就讓我愛你愛的很深很遠很古典

在梅邊不知愛何時出現 在現實生活還是只能在夢裡面
牡丹亭描述的浪漫不可思議 尤其是對我們這種新新人類
尤其是對我們 生活太忙亂 沒有時間吃飯 上網到眼睛酸
科技發達好有效率 而生活的節奏比明朝的快速一萬倍 怎樣才能夠滿足
小朋友哪有時間 坐在那裡看牡丹亭 花十九個小時唱到 所有觀眾老了
作火車 地鐵 飛機 高速公路 又在堵車 聰明的人知道時間就是錢要把握
失控之前 要喘一口氣 湯顯祖讓我向你學習
這麼夢幻 沒人比你浪漫 四百年的流傳 我只能說讚
我的世界 一切越來越方便 但奇怪還是沒有辦法找到一種愛
我不要跟你們賽跑 因為我知道 生命是個禮物 不希望這一輩子
沒有愛而馬不停蹄 好想掉進那故事裡 步驟慢點兒 氣氛神秘
柳夢梅的美夢裡 湯大師帶我們回去 充滿愛的牡丹亭

I was totally stunned, jaw dropped, eyes popped, when I 1st saw the lyrics. I dunno whether it is well-written professionally, but it definitely strike me by a very high voltage! All thanks to CH2227 and CH3222. Esp the former... Its a module called 元明戲曲. Ironically, its a module I took by mistake but it turns out to be a module I fell in love with. I must say the credits goes to my lecturer. Ok abit out of point liao~ Back to the song... or rather the 戲曲.

Brief story of 《牡丹亭》:
There was this 書生 whom dreamt about a lady and a cherry blossom tree (梅). And that is how he decided to change his name to 柳夢梅. The lady is 杜麗娘. Apparently she also dreamt about him and they actually made-out in their dreams!! After the dream, the young lad has to go take his imperial exams. In the meantime he wants to look-out for the lady in his dream. As for the lady, after dream she missed the guy so much that she actually fell ill and died.

Before she die, she drew a portrait of herself and ask her parents to bury her under the cherry blossom tree in their garden. 2 or 3 years later, 柳夢梅 happened to stayover at 杜麗娘's house. After seeing the portrait, he dreamt about her again.. and they made-out in their dreams again.... Also, she told him that she is buried in the garden.. He dug her out. And guess what happen! She came to life!! 柳夢梅 later went on to take his exam and happy ending~

Sorry ah... I said the story in such a unromantic way! If you watch the whole production, its supposed to be very romantic and erotic. I dunno about you guys, but i find this super ridiculous... And I still dun understand how come its still so classic up till these days...

If this song was to appear earlier, I would probably pay much more attention to my lecturer when he talks about 《牡丹亭》and 《青春版牡丹亭》.

The former is written by one of the greatest 劇作家 during the Ming Dynasty, or rather even until now, 湯顯祖. Its is one of his 《玉茗堂四夢》(玉茗堂 is 湯顯祖's home lah). The big theme that links all four dramas is Dream 夢.

400years later, Taiwanese author 白先勇 decided to reproduce this 名著. Not on papers but as a stage production. With help from various talents in different fields (Costume designs, chinese opera teachers etc), the 400 year old 《牡丹亭》reappeared in Taiwan in year 2003

白先勇's focus was different from that of 湯顯祖's. 白先勇 hope that his version of 《牡丹亭》will not only draw Chinese Opera fans into the theatre, but also the younger generation. That's why he challenged lots of traditions of Chinese Operas. From the costumes, props, music, actors. Its is not difficult to understand why his production is named "姹紫嫣红牡丹亭:四百年青春之梦"
In the lyrics above, Leehom mentioned about spending 19 hrs watching the production whole of 《牡丹亭》. Its TRUE!!! 白先勇's production is 9 hours long and it covered only 27 out of the 55 chapters!!......
It is going to be showed in 深圳 in the beginning of 2006... I hope it will come to Singapore one day... and I am hopeful!! Although the story is ridiculous, I still hope my understanding of CH2227 can be put into use somehow...

2004 才走了沒幾天,2005 就要跟大家說再見。


無數 First Time 獻給他們,瘋狂舉止讓我自己都覺丟臉。




2004 才走了沒幾天,2005 就要跟大家說再見。

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

its 8 and not 5!!!

ok great~ the game actually required 8 ppl to kena Dian Ming!!
So here is the other 3....

1) Weiting aka cryolite
2) Wenning aka nk
3) Namida

can't wait to read wat you guys got to say!!! ;)

But of course if you dun wanna join in the game, i cannot do anything lah~ no prob yah? just some fun!!

Monday, December 26, 2005

I am sad to say that my 14 days of holiday was... so-so only....
Set off on 12th Dec 2005, dumping all those stuff bothering me behind, hoping I will be able to thoroughly enjoy myself. Many people felt a sudden lost after Final Home Singapore on 10th Dec. Do you think I will be an exception? No... After the concert, all of us understood that it will be a long long long time before they come.. and most importantly, before we meet again...
And of course, there were some other problems...

Even before the trip, my excitement level was low... I was supposed to go Hong Kong with Yixuan but we haven't meet each other to discuss etc before that...
The idea that Yixuan wasn't excited at all did came across my mind...
But still, I know for sure that Yixuan will entertain me during the trip!! ^_^
I did enjoy myself in Hong Kong~ Thanks to her!!!
We had great times eating, shopping, trying to find out which bus/MTR to take, rush to catch the last ferry, reading the map in the middle of the road etc...

Guangzhou trip was great as well!! except that my parents don't have a heater and the house was the same temperature as the weather... Ate very very good stuff every meal... Lots of care n love from my parents ^_^
And of course I still remember the excitement of reading from gogorock, the schedule of them going Guangzhou...

Now that my holiday is over, things are back to normal again...
Things are still where I left them 2 weeks ago~ Except that Funkamania is finally coming and I can finally breathe some fresh air...
In fact, I have one additional trouble... That's finding a job... AARRGG~~~ Since my results is TOO LOUSY to go for honours.. I will be graduating nx sem... :'(((((
Until now.. I still very lost... totally no idea what I should do...... HOW HOW HOW??
Anybody got any lobangs for job?? As long as not sales can le...

Ok~ Nx it the 8 things I have the list rite?
Pls note that the below are IDEALS~~ meaning in the end, everything will actually be the opposite... erm... I cheat abit ah~ you say 8 but nv say what category~ haha... so I decided to come out with 8 outer-beauty and 8 inner-beauty :ppppp

1) At least 175cm
2) Doesn't smoke and gamble
3) Rich (preferably earns at least S$120,000 per year)
4) A Christian
5) Dun need very 帥~ Just 看得順眼 can liao~ I noe very abstract~ arbo u want me to say the shape of the nose or the diameter of the face meh?
6) 四肢健全
7) Chinese/Eurasian/Japanese by race (from any country except YOU-KNOW-WAT)
8) Must not be underweight

1) Kind-hearted (i/e: compassionate)
2) Not too sentimental (i/e: not those that wil cry easily)
3) Humorous (i/e: can entertain me esp. when I am not in a good mood)
4) Must be wiser than me ( NOTE: I did not write smarter~)
5) Basic Gentlemanism
6) Talented (i/e: musically-inclined OR literally-inclined)
7) Have 上進心 (i/e: not sit there and 怨天,怨地,怨自己)
8) Accept me as who I am

May sound very demanding hor~ but if you carefully think about it, its not lah~ just that I write it more 具體-ly~ :ppppp

ok!!!! 點名時間!!!! --> keitsu, Yurong, JY, gniynix and mayday1025 aka audrey!!!
Just 5 only hor? not 8 rite??

Sunday, December 25, 2005


有一堆 Draft 等著我完成,可是我卻非常沒心情寫。

可是。。。。 AARRRGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sunday, December 11, 2005

Final Home 當我們混在一起 新加坡演唱會 -- 埋怨篇

Its been a very very very busy 4 days. Seems that everytime Mayday is here, my other aspects of life will somehow be stagnant. Had a great 4 days!! Everyday oso got something to do, everyday oso got something exciting!! But in this entry, I will only be talking about the concert itself.
Since they announced this world tour in Dec 2004, I have been waiting for it to reach Singapore. Guess all other fellow Mayday fans as well~ I cannot believe it actually took one whole year for it to come. This whole year, Mayday had been frequenting Singapore. From Alive Concert in Jan, NKF in April, Concert by the Bay in Aug, Zhi Zu promotion in Oct, Jing Qu Jiang in Nov and of course Final Home in Dec. All these really push the anticipation to the highest level!!! Especially when they announced the date on 6th Aug 2005. We were all like FINALLY!!!
I guess 期望越大,失望也越大吧。。。
Yes!! You read it correctly!! "Final Home 當我們混在一起 新加坡演唱會" is, to me, extremely disappointing.... In terms of many many aspects~~ The crowd, the venue, the songs they sang, Ashin's voice etc...
Put it in a nice way, its uniquely Singapore's show~
But hai..................
The crowd wasn't spotting enough, I think only 60-70% of the ppl wore red.... And abt 80% weren't jumping.... But luckily got about 90% stood up....
The sound system of the venue is totally 爛!!!! 該大聲的時候小聲,該小聲的時候又太大聲 (&#!^#&#()$)^*#
The songs they sang were too little... hai~~ still got alot of very nice and got 代表性ones nv sing... :(
Ashin din 飆高音 for many of the songs... :((((
That's all for this part lah~ The nx part will be a much more happy one!! it shall be named 現場實況篇 :p
Cos I need to go pack my luaggage liao... Flying off to Hong Kong tmr!! Goodbye~~


I am sorry guys~ I should be slapping myself for declaring that the 217th post was my last post....
I have changed my mind!! And the decision to stop posting on this blog wasn't out of a fit~
And so is the decision to continue.
I have gave both quite some thoughts.
Initially I thought by closing this blog may salvage some things I have lost or missed.
Apparently after 2 great talks with 2 ppl today, before Final Home Singapore and after it, I realised that I did a foolish decision.
I realised 3 important facts.
1) Closing this blog WILL NOT make a difference to my current situation.
2) Closing this blog not only can't change the way things are now, it will be depriving me from quite a bit fun!!!
3) 快樂無上限. 所以又何必爲了無法改變的事而剝奪自己的快樂呢?
I must really thank the 2 persons whom I talked to today.
Only if I had heard from you guys earlier, lots of unecessary actions can be saved. And I wouldn't had been such a fool.
I am really touched by all the 祝福s. I shall not go further into explaining myself wh I decided to recover this after a short one week.
For those who treats me as a friend, it will not need all explanations at all. And for those who doesn't regard me as a friend, no matter how much I explain, it will just be excuses to defend myself for being flicker-minded, trying to attract attention, trying to win ppl's 祝福s etc... So wat's the point? Do/think/say watever you like... 人畢竟 "經一事,長一智".
Although I decided to continue posting, wat I said on my 217th post still holds.
Thanks to all those who read http://ilovewuyuetian.blogspot.com , be it you are here to sincerely want to know more abt misspeirong as a friend, or just nothing to do so just drop-by, or just here to be an "interpreter" trying to interprete everything I wrote, or just here to trying to know more abt the person you dun like/enemy(misspeirong of course).
Preview of my nx post: The long-awaited, highly-anticipated, FINAL HOME SINGAPORE of course!!!!!!!! Hope I can be able to remember everything~

Monday, December 05, 2005

It's Time

First of all, I would really like to thank Celest, Qiuping, Yixuan and Yongqi for the wonderful birthday celebration they gave me yesterday! And of course Stephanie and Weiting. Although you guys weren't there. Thanks for the presents!!
I really felt extremely 感動 when all of us sang 志明與春嬌 together!! haha~~ And I think I made a very right choice of giving Yixuan 知足Just My Pride as her birthday present!! ;DDD
It would be even better if all of you guys can go Final Home together!! Its really great to have closest grp of friends enjoying the same music as I do~
And I definitely look forward to our activities after Final Home on the 10th Dec!!
Next, I know its very pessimistic to say this, but I guess its just one of the fact in life.
I dunno what will happen to all of us in the future, I do not know what kind of path lies before our friendship. But I just wanna let you guys know that you guys have been a precious part of my life. Of course I do wish that in future, we will be able to take part in "搖滾吧!拐杖!" 演唱會, but 緣分 this kind of thing really 很難講的. It will begin very suddenly and similarly, it will just disappear before you know it. So, before I miss the chance, I really wanna thank all of you for being my friends for the past 6 years. I know I have not been a perfect friend, but you guys still stood by me. 祝你們能夠天天開心!
Lastly, to all those who have been reading my blog, thank you so much. And well~ 天下無不散之宴席. This is my 217th post since I came out with http://ilovewuyuetian.blogspot.com , its going to be probably my last here. Thanks for occasionally dropping by to take a look at my not-very-interesting but very-真實-entries.
I said last entry HERE, because I have started another one. But I am not telling anybody the URL. 如果有緣,希望能夠再和大家分享一些屬於佩蓉的故事.
Till then, misspeirong thanks everybody who had once passed by this corner and all those who had given me lots of encouragement and comfort! This blog had allowed me to get to know many of you better. And I hope it had helped you know me better ;)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

夢想成真 = 快樂???

之前不肯講是因爲我仍然有所期望,別人對我也有所期望。但現在 ^_^
所以呢~ 希望大家都不會迷失自己。畢竟活在這世上,要做的事很多,要面對的人也很多,自己想要的東西也很多。你愁也愁不完阿~ 快快樂樂地面對才是最重要的!
最後最後!!! 我真的希望他們能夠過得快了些,即使夢想達到了,仍然也能想當年一樣,打從心裏笑出來。而不是爲了笑而笑.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My goodness...... First day after exam was super tiring~ take a look at wat I did........
1) woke up at 8am to go NUS get things for Funkamania booth.
2) went Ngee Ann Poly to set up booth and give out flyers.
3) went home to put down my laptop.
4) went Bishan to collect something I bought awhile ago.
5) took a 1hr bus-ride to clifford centre.
6) had a short interview with the consultant.
7) took a 1hr bus-ride home.
8) went for a 6round-outermost lane-jog. (anybody noes the distance???)
9) in the midst of all these, I managed to complete abt 20 rows of my sweater.
This is even more tiring than during exams.... But who cares!! I am still happy that exams are over~ cos dun need to use brain! hehe...
And today, I tok to lots of ppl abt Final Home, trying to ask them to buy the tics~ hai~ but expectedly, no response..... :(
Oh and many thanks to Beng Chang, Florence, Beng Hwee, Zanlun, Shihui, Jeremy, Sze Min, Dunlin, Julee, Wee Giap, You Kai, Hao Kai, Ren Jie and Clement for the present!! really thank you very very much for the thoughts~ especially Beng Chang and Florence! Really feel super guilty and paiseh, having to make you guys go through so much trouble~
Lastly, I realise Singapore doesn't have the atmosphere even though its the SEA Games period now!! So here, I would like to show a little of my patriotism!!
I wanna to say JIAYOU to all those who still have competitions ahead!!
and say GREAT JOB to all those who gotten medals!!! not just the gold loh, silvers n bronzes as well!!! and to those who failed to put up their best performance, dun be too sad!! just take it as an experience ba~ ;)
Ha~ not as if anyone of them will hear/see this.. I just say Shuang one~
I realised I am not able to sing the whole of Majulah Singapura le... :'(