
Thursday, July 31, 2008

上回説道台北迪化街有閒城隍廟,裡頭所供奉的月老聽説非常靈驗. 我的一位同事,拜了之後的一個月就認識了她的男朋友. 聼了之後,我和另外兩位同事都超想去試一試! 但最後,我成了攝影師. 因爲我信基督~ 拜這種東西是不對的. 我真的真的真的沒有拜哦! 所以我確定這一個星期所發生的事都是我親愛的上帝給予我的獎勵. 兩個人,兩個我認識沒多久的人,兩個截然不同的身份背景.
我要對其中一個說: 爲什麽是現在? 我只希望你不會受到傷害. 所以讓一切維持現狀好嗎?
我要對另外一個說: 謝謝你的好,但是我真的不知道何以回報. 我也同樣不希望看到你受到傷害.
不論結局如何,我暫時不去想. 就先讓我自私地享受這過程吧! 反正到時候,上帝又會對我有所啓示的! 謝啦!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dear 上帝,

可是平時我掛在嘴邊的那些話,只不過是開玩笑的啊~ 真的不需要... 我說真的!!!
你應該也知道嘛~ 不是嗎?
Anyway... 能不能麻煩你告訴我,現在應該怎麽辦啊?


Friday, July 25, 2008

A Overseas Trip I enjoyed LEAST

Yup! It's the Taiwan trip!! I don't remember saying any overseas trip being unpleasant.... But for this one... my answer to everybody's question of "好玩嗎?" is "不好玩" After a somewhat in-depth analysis... I came out with Three Main Reasons...

Reason ONE: The Company
This trip was made up of my colleagues... 2 already left the firm, 1 went to another dpt, 1 still in the same team as me. I realised that it takes more than colleagues/ex-colleagues to go travel together. As I have wrote in my past entry regarding one particula ex-colleague... I am totally turned off with EVERYTHING he did during the trip... The other one oso!!! HAIYAH!! it's basically everybody!!! So I guess I should just stick to my best friends when it comes to travelling together.

Reason TWO: The Weather
Just 2 days before we set off, Taiwan was down with typhoon... But when we arrive, the sky was SO blue that I can hardly find any cloud!!! Whole Taipei is like an oven, slowing baking it's people... madness!!!! This is so much worse than sunny island Singapore!!!!! It's not just the heat!! Although it's 10degrees lower than that of Grand Canyon last Aug... The humidity in Taiwan acts like a catalyst, diminishing your good mood and patience expotentially... And one more thing!!!! my complexion is now in a COMPLETE MESS!!!! I never had such a terrible outbreak in my 24yrs of living!!! Not even during puberty or during my menses every month!!! I am giving myself 1 wk! to clear up the mess!!! Damn the weather!!!

Reason THREE: The 4th time to Taiwan (the 3rd time in 15mths)
I don't feel like I was going for a holiday at all.. I was just going somewhere which I've not been for some time.... It's like me going to Tampines or Sembawang... No excitement at all. So in order not to feel this way again, I have decided to stop going to Taiwan for the time being... (at least 2 yrs) Unless it's work-related of course...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

6 more days to Taiwan

I've booked the air tix of this trip last year!! -_-
Very kiasu... i noe... now i very regret!!

not that I can't make it anymore.. on the contrary, I think i will be happier if I really cannot make it! It suddenly occurs to me that I am going on a trip with 3 people which I hardly talk to nowadays... ever since that KTV incident...

many ask me why am I still angry... I dunno how to answer oso.. initially of course is because they put us aeroplane and nv apologise! nope! till now they still yet to apologise! I am particularly angry by someone's sms abt Celest ba... all those sms just slapped right into my face, as if telling me "this person is befriending you only because he is interested in my best friend"!!!

All of a sudden, I felt damn disgusted! Yeah~ come to think of it, it's really that case! He just gives ppl the untrustworthy kind of feel... so if that's the case, I think it's really difficult for me to treat him as my friend. Seems like every word he says, there are some hidden agenda to it... Seems like everything he told me about, he is just hoping that I can convey it to Celest(so that Celest will think it's such a waste to not choose him over her boyfriend)... I am really SICK & TIRED of these!!! and now... I have to go Taiwan with THIS person??? My goodness!!! Not to mention all the extreme character flaws that tested my tolerance...

So~ Dear God... Please please please bless me with calmness, patience and the abililty to forgive over the next two weeks... I don't care what we become after next Thursday.. friends, no friends... dun care!!! I just pray that I won't lose my cool while in Taiwan.. It's been awhile since I really tour Taiwan... please don't make this trip an unpleasant one...