
Monday, June 30, 2008

I am used to ppl saying Christians should only marry Christians... When I used to attend church, cell leaders, pastors etc.. all say that if the person is not a Christians, you shouldn't even think about it. All these years, I thought that kind of thinking is too stubborn. I always thought my other half doesn't have to be a Christian. As long as he respect me as a Christian, gives me the freedom, I will be contented.

However, recent observations made me realised, I am probably wrong. As of what kind of observations? SHHHH...... 不能說的秘密...

In conclusion, I am starting to believe that if my other half is a Christian, I will be happier...

Friday, June 27, 2008


"因爲我沒有朋友" - 我這陣子最常說的一句話.

很多人都以爲我在開玩笑. 可是每當這句話從我嘴裏說出時,我都是認真的.
本人性格相當孤僻,不喜歡交新朋友. 我覺得維持一段友誼是費時費力的. 而且付出到底也不見得能得到多少回報. 我也打從心底真心地認爲,能成爲我朋友的人都是天地下最好的人.因爲他們容忍得了我的缺點和脾氣. 雖然偶爾還是會失望~ 我想會感到失望是自己活該吧. 如果我沒有期望又哪來的失望呢? 對待朋友不應該都是沒有什麽期望的嗎?

這些年來,我學會放下了. 心裏一直盤算著的人是永遠都不會快樂的. 可是容許我在今天發一個小牢騷:
擁有駕照以來,我都是不吝嗇地載送大家. 尤其是過了半夜,搭計程車很貴,只要我有車,不管大家的家有多遠. 就算市區離我家只有10分鐘,我還是會花30分鐘,不在乎車油錢,先把你們送回家. 當然這是我自願的. 因爲我覺得這是我對朋友的一種關心,也因爲你們是我朋友,所以我義不容辭. 久而久之,大家也都習慣了. 我從來沒有介意過. 就算我得騙我父母說我沒有送你們回家,就算父母一直罵我笨. 可是我卻認爲朋友之間不應該計較這些. 那我可以問你們一個問題嗎? 如果有車的人是你,你也會如此嗎? 我一直都以爲你們也會. 但是我今天才意識到,其實未必. 不是說我會和你計較你有沒有送我回家. 你們應該知道我一定不會答應的. 我失望的是,就連隨口問一聲都沒有. 好朋友,好姐妹,原來是我自己一廂情願.

當然,我不會因爲這件事就停止我的習慣. 這是我對你們的付出. 至於能夠得到多少,I don't care. 因爲我珍惜你們. 就算我沒有你們的男朋友重要,I still love you guys! 而且我始終相信,總有一天,有人會看到我的付出,有人會知道我的用心. 只是,我能等到那一天嗎? 幸福真的會來敲門嗎? I can only pray...

PS: 不是因爲我天生把錢看得不重要,整天把車開來開去不是我愛炫耀,不是因爲我時間多可以為任何人東奔西跑,不是因爲我喜歡等人所以不介意人家遲到. 只要有心每個人都做得到. 而我之所以辦得到,只因你們對我很重要.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


因爲迷上一部偶像劇 - 命中注定我愛你.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

This will only be aired in Taiwan tomorrow!!!
No idea how did some fans got hold of it.. But luckily I went to ptt quick enough!! If not will probably miss this 獨家!! hahaa.. It's really a GREAT clip!!!

Once again... the leading position and spotlight is on Ashin again... hai..... but nvm!!! Can see that all 5 of them has TREMENDOUS improvement in their acting!! cool!!! All 5 of them are just so handsome in suits!!!

A few scenes that I personally love!!

1) Ashin waiting for Masa to deliver the document. He showed the panic expression and when Masa arrived, he gave Masa a hug which Masa brushed it off XDDD

2) Stone and Guai Shou wiped their sweat with Ashin's sleeves!!! Ashin was like staring at his sleeves when Stone did it... But when Ashin tried doing the same, the two just walk away~ SO SO CUTE!!!!

3) When the 4 of them line themselves to make Ashin a cup of coffee. Guai Shou stirred the coffee with a ladle taken from his mouth, Masa took a sip and Ashin stared at the cup! It's cute too!!! Masa's body language so 隨性!!

4) Ashin standing in the rain. This is the first time I see him so 狼狽 XD

5) My FAVOURITE SCENE (which I think is most ppl's fav) Ashin fell ill and the rest of them helped him out with his work!! SO TOUCHING!!! SO 溫馨!!! And Ashin's expression when he lay there looking at them... His 眼神 and the way he 抿嘴!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! SO SWEET!!!! It's really a scene where I 羡慕 them alot!!! They are so so close!! Although this is just an advertisement, I am sure they are very much like that in real life!! That's ultimately what I love about them ^_^
五月天加油!! 友誼長存! 我也要加油!!!