This is bad... It's been a month since my last entry.. And I haven't even put up my 蓋世英雄 part 2.... :( I really no mood to write lah...
Just came back from a trip.. I went to Shanghai again... This was decided quite last min.. Cos I got a scolding from my boss one day, and I decided to give myself a break.. So bought 2 tics, drag my brother along and off we go! Celebrated my birthday there... It's been at least 10 years since I last cut a cake on the actual day... And I am really glad I was able to do it with my parents! ;D
Anyway... The thing that brought this entry has nothing to do with the trip.. It was a song I heard from this new album I bought today. I bought 品冠's 愛到無可救藥.
All along, I always feel that 品冠 has a better voice than 光良~ I still feel the same way~ But 光良's compositions are more outstanding that 品冠's. But no matter what, I am fan of neither.
I can say this honestly, if not because of 阿信 being the producer of this album and wrote lyrics for 5 of the songs, I will not buy.
Honestly again, I am quite disappointed with the music compositions in this album. By 3rd listening, there isn't exactly a song that I think sounded exceptionally good. But there is this one song that caught my attention on 2nd read.
這暑假 揉著麵糰 掃著廁所 我在麵館打工
漢堡王國 對街吵到 音樂無藥可救
才發了呆 就被敲頭 老爹說好麵要 用心揉
揉就揉 座右銘比 作麵技巧 教得還要更多
固執老爹 刀削神技 慢慢聲名遠播
西寧路上 越來越火 吃麵的人要排 兩個 鐘頭
老爹說麵糰 就要緊握
削成了麵才 能讓人感動
老爹他愛嘮叨嘮叨 我搖搖頭
何不乾脆 去當教授
為何在這 開麵館呢?
那一年 十五歲的 老爹和她 走過遍地楓紅
一聲再見 楓葉的紅 變成滿天烽火
沒再見過 老爹他說 並沒有一輩子 能牽手
手中的 老爹握著 那片楓葉 半個世紀經過
女孩愛作 的刀削麵 老爹再沒吃過
人們停火 開始交流 女孩早已變成 老婆婆
老爹說有愛 就要緊握
現在他把愛 做成一碗感動
老爹他讓多少靈魂 滿足的活
某一個滿天 彩霞的午後
有個老婆婆 走進了麵館裡頭
衣服上的楓葉別針 顏色火紅
This lyrics is really very touching~ The more you read it, the more touching u will find :p
It's a big contrast to the arrangement of the song. This is actually quite a lively song with a tinge of humour in it. But the hidden agenda stands out even more with such arrangement. No doubt my favourite song in this album.
Just came back from a trip.. I went to Shanghai again... This was decided quite last min.. Cos I got a scolding from my boss one day, and I decided to give myself a break.. So bought 2 tics, drag my brother along and off we go! Celebrated my birthday there... It's been at least 10 years since I last cut a cake on the actual day... And I am really glad I was able to do it with my parents! ;D
Anyway... The thing that brought this entry has nothing to do with the trip.. It was a song I heard from this new album I bought today. I bought 品冠's 愛到無可救藥.
All along, I always feel that 品冠 has a better voice than 光良~ I still feel the same way~ But 光良's compositions are more outstanding that 品冠's. But no matter what, I am fan of neither.
I can say this honestly, if not because of 阿信 being the producer of this album and wrote lyrics for 5 of the songs, I will not buy.
Honestly again, I am quite disappointed with the music compositions in this album. By 3rd listening, there isn't exactly a song that I think sounded exceptionally good. But there is this one song that caught my attention on 2nd read.
這暑假 揉著麵糰 掃著廁所 我在麵館打工
漢堡王國 對街吵到 音樂無藥可救
才發了呆 就被敲頭 老爹說好麵要 用心揉
揉就揉 座右銘比 作麵技巧 教得還要更多
固執老爹 刀削神技 慢慢聲名遠播
西寧路上 越來越火 吃麵的人要排 兩個 鐘頭
老爹說麵糰 就要緊握
削成了麵才 能讓人感動
老爹他愛嘮叨嘮叨 我搖搖頭
何不乾脆 去當教授
為何在這 開麵館呢?
那一年 十五歲的 老爹和她 走過遍地楓紅
一聲再見 楓葉的紅 變成滿天烽火
沒再見過 老爹他說 並沒有一輩子 能牽手
手中的 老爹握著 那片楓葉 半個世紀經過
女孩愛作 的刀削麵 老爹再沒吃過
人們停火 開始交流 女孩早已變成 老婆婆
老爹說有愛 就要緊握
現在他把愛 做成一碗感動
老爹他讓多少靈魂 滿足的活
某一個滿天 彩霞的午後
有個老婆婆 走進了麵館裡頭
衣服上的楓葉別針 顏色火紅
This lyrics is really very touching~ The more you read it, the more touching u will find :p
It's a big contrast to the arrangement of the song. This is actually quite a lively song with a tinge of humour in it. But the hidden agenda stands out even more with such arrangement. No doubt my favourite song in this album.