
Thursday, September 21, 2006

I did some update to my friendster a few min ago. I also browse through the testimonials and the list of my friends. It is sad to say that most of my friends in the list are just there to sustain my memory. I have no contact with them. They were there simply because I knew them.

My testimonials are even sadder... Some of those who wrote them were no longer in that list. Of course, that was a choice I made and I have not regretted it until recently. For 3 whole years, I always thought it is more of a blessing that I am no longer in contact with them. But now, all the guilt just got into me and I have to admit... I really really really regretted it. I regretted being so childish and so impulsive... Someone mentioned to me that it is really childish for his ex-girlfriend to delete him from the friendster list. I did not tell him that I did the same to a group of friends 3 yrs back.

I have no idea where they are now and what they are doing now. I just pray that we will meet again someday. And I will be able to say "Hello! Haven't seen you for a long time! How have you been?" in a totally natural way without any form of awkwardness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just to let you know that even though i dont really talk to you on MSN or see you about in real life, i m hanging around anyway.

dont worry about it lah, it's all part of life - we meet people, be friends and then lose contact and then make new friends again.

it's not childish to delete a person of friendster anyway. some times, it is pointless lah to keep a friendster account to think about it.


5:38 PM  

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