
Friday, July 07, 2006

I am surprise how many sluts I have met in just 1 night.

Went back to CAC FOC in the past few days. Something strike me after those visits.
I came to realise how fortunate I am to have met friends who had been true to me. There are some pathetic people out there who barely have any friends who truly cares for them. Reason being, they themselves did not bother to truly care for others right from the very start. The most important thing to such people is making sure he/she is likable to every single person that cross their paths. For some reasons, majority of such people are females. Here are some of the features to look out for:
1) They enjoy holding hands with their girl friends.
2) They love looking at you and say "Are u ok?", "Take care k", "rest well ok" in the sweetest possible voice.
3) They can't bear to be alone for 1 sec. They have to be part of a group even if they belong to the outcast in that group. They will still grab somebody to talk to them.
4) They love to victimise themselves or try their best to look frail, to convince others that they are always the ones being hurt.
5) They love backstabbing people whom they are nice to. (of course the one being backstabbed will not be able to see this feature)

Beware of ppl with the above features. And to those who are stupid and innocent enough to fall into these traps, I pity you. You may think that all these are my own prejudiced opinions, so be it. I am not a nice person that can make everybody likes me. To many, I may just be a stubborn, bad-tempered bitch. I shall not defend myself. But I do believe that being able to differentiate what's good and what's bad, what's real and what's fake is a capability given by GOD. As for which are the things that are bad and fake, I have my own set of rules. Some of yours may differ from mine and that is your business.


Blogger JY said...

the world is always full of surprie...

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man... I hope you slept with a tank of oxyegen.. the smell of sluts can be quite bad

*holds peirong's hand*
Are you okay or not? *smiles sweetly*


12:51 PM  

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