
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saints and 五月天的天下 Part II

I must say!!!! We got very good seats!!! Our seats (or rather my seat) allowed me to be very very crazy!!! Cos I nobody seating beside me!!
Just before the award started, Peifen is there doing 暖場 again~
Followed by the various artists' entering the 會場~
I think I shall just cut the story short!
There wasn't any excitement (to me) until its time for the various 最受歡迎獎項。Of course in particular!!! 最受歡迎團體!!! Since it's based on the results of 933's 龍虎榜,I was guessing if it will be TWINS, cos their 2 songs really very popular!! BUT!!! In my heart, I was hoping it to be Fir!!! Den in my mind, i was analysing whether issit possible or not etc... Den when they announced, 最受歡迎團體 -- Fir!!!! I just jumped up, turn to Yihua and Ruojing, screaming n jumping like mad!!!! I was SO HAPPY that I teared loh~~ wah piang!! ppl ard us probably thought I am really crazy!! They wun noe wat it means to me when Fir got the award! It means MAYDAY will get 最佳樂團!!!!!!!! I was really really really 激動 and Happy!! But Yihua say must not be so happy now, scully Fir gets both awards how? I thought there might be this possibility but MAYDAY's chance has definitely been raised by a big big percent!!!! XXDDDD
Ok!! So the moment of truth is finally here!! Yanzi was supposed to give out 最佳組合 and 最佳樂團!!! I was quite happy when the ppl sitting at the block nx to me shouted for 五月天!!! (we shouted very hard for 旺福 and 自然卷 oso!!! ) I turned to face them and say YES YES YES 五月天!!!! Me n Yihua were really anticipating!! getting our boards ready!! When Yanzi said 五~, we jumped up immediately!!!! and screamed and yelled!!!! But kept extremely calmed when Ashin 發表感言~ he said the usual stuff~ and added abt 明天五月天將會少一個男孩~ Den I was stunned for awhile!! Wat the hell he means by that!!! Den he continued 多一個男人,明天你們就會知道了!! WAHAHA~~ This is obviously telling us that Guan You is going to proposed to his girlfriend at the concert tmr!! XXDDDD He left the stage after saying “搖滾萬歲!!!!”
But Yihua was not too happy with that~ She hoped he could do his proposing somewhere else~~
Den its the other 4's turn to talk via video recording!!! They were quite crappy and funny as usual~ But somehow I felt that only we Mayday supporters understood them~ the other ppl were like dunno wat's going on~~ =XX
When its time to give out the 區域最受歡迎獎項,again! we screamed and cheered during the 入圍名單 was introduced~ Not only for MAYDAY lah~ I oso shouted the best I can for Leehom!! When Leehom was announced the winner, I oso shouted like mad!!! This award is actually quite expected lah~ if Mayday really get, den I will be surprised ah!!
Before other awards, Ashin was the 頒獎人 for 最佳本地男女歌手。Together with that Fish...
He said something 絲路, den said another sentence with 知足 in it!! I was clapping like mad when I heard that!! haha.. so funny!!! keep trying to 打歌!!!! When Fish said that she is very 熟 with Singapore's female singers, and say she will give them a kiss, just like wat Tanya did to her before~ Den Ashin stunned for a while, saying “那我...... 就不用了~ 我跟入圍的男歌手都不熟~” wahahaha~~ must see his expression!!!!!!! Super funny de!!!!!
Den when JJ went up stage to get this award, he actually demanded a kiss from Ashin!!! and Ashin actually gave him a kiss on the cheek!!! Den gave a very embarrassed expression!!WAHAHAHA~~ as usual the touching-his-nose-movement!!
ok! up nx was 最佳創作歌手,somehow this is the award we noe for sure MAYDAY will get!! was surprised when Chongqing said that there will be 4 winners... 4 out of 6!!! diao~~ nothing prestigious abt this rite? Although not too much of excitement when Ashin went up to get this award, we still cheered and screamed like mad~ Ashin sang 第一天's chorus!!! saying that this is the 1st time they get such an award!! XXDDD
Ok finally!! Its time for the 最佳唱片製作!!! Its given by 許環良 and 李偲菘~ They were the ones that gave out 最佳創作歌手 before that~
I seriously thought they were just giving out one award!! Was surprised that they say 接下來是最佳唱片製作~ cos the hosts oso din say they will give out this award mah~~
After looking at the nominees, I tot damn~ Yanzi's album stands a very high chance leh!!! But after the nominees were shown, Li Si Song told Yanzi " Let's try again nx year!! 不是我們" Apparently, they already opened and saw the winner liao~ i was like -_-''' but at the same time!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! Its not Yanzi!!! That means our MAYDAY's chance got raised by a number of folds again!!! haha.... As we all anticipating excitedly for them to announce the winner, dunno how come that Xu Huan Liang suddenly start 發表-ing his 感言~~ Den after like 1 or 2 min, den he said "好,最佳唱片製作得獎的是... 神的~" IMMEDIATELY after these 2 words, me, Yihua and Ruojing jumped up with our boards once again!!!!! raising our hands!!! Hugging each other!!! REALLY REALLY VERY VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!
Den we saw the very surprised expression on Ashin's face!!!!!! For a moment, it seems to me that he din noe that they will get this award!!! ( somehow we just noe that the other 2, he already knew ba...) And he just said “除了感謝,還是感謝,謝謝,謝謝,謝謝~” AAHH~~~~ 超感動的!!!!!!
When he sang 知足 later, was quite disappointed that he 對嘴, we noe that his health and voice were in a very bad condition, its just tat maybe he can just dun perform ba~~ Cos wat if others saw him 對嘴?? Especially when all the other singers were all singing live!!!
But at after he finished the song, he gave a very very long, 90 degree bow~~ Really very long!! Its abit longer than the one he gave at Superfunkies!! When I saw that, I was really super 感動~~ 眼淚都快飆出來了~~ But this 感動 was very shortlast cos we need to rush to airport!!! In order not to let other think that we are not respecting the whole event by leaving early, I purposely said very loudly to Yihua saying that We need to go airport~ Let's hurry ba!!!
Den after that, we just ran out of the convention hall, ran a big big round to the carpark @ marina square~ drove at my max. possible speed!!
The moment we reached airport at 1130, Wenning, who was already at airport, called me, saying Ashin was there liao!!! At that point of time, I was in the toilet loh~~ -_-''' Den I told Ruojing to hurry up!!! Den we rushed up to the departure hall and met up with the rest!!! Yihua joined us very soon later~ cos she went back to the car to get something~
There were only 8 of us, we were following behind him, as usual~ Den me and Yihua went up to him to pass him the Strepsils musicanata told us to~ Yihua passed to him and said “阿信,這個給你” He was quite surprised and gave her a nod~ The sercurity den came and tried shove us away~ but he din lah~ realised that we were very harmless loh~~ Den I said “要好好保重身體” Den he turned around and gave me a nod oso~ Den, out of my surprise, while continue walking, he said “新加坡Final Home 見!!!” [When I heard him speak, I was like "OMG!!! His voice is totally 沙啞 one!!!! It wasn't so obvious during the award, but it sounds really really bad~~ Can he really sing for the concert tmr??] Den I told him “馬來西亞 Final Home, 我們也會去!!!” Den he widened his eyes and said “真的嗎?” Den me and Wenning nodded at him~ Den he just smiled and turned his head back~
Den we continued following him walking around the airport loh~~ Apparently, they dunno where to check in XDDD
the sercurity was asking ard loh~~ Den in the end, after walking a big round, we came back to the place where we first started... -_-'''
We were all Shocked!!! to see that He actually checked in at the FIRST CLASS counter!!!! When he reached the counter, he squart down and opened his big silver luagguage, took out his sling bag, put the book he's been holding onto into the sling bag, den took out the 枇杷膏 from his sling bag and put into the luagguage~ Den he was there 這裡摸一下,那裏摸一下~ Den there was this Ang Moh businessman, who already finished checking in before Ashin~ He looked at us den looked at Ashin curiously~ Den when he was beside me, I 主動 tok to him!! Cos he was like So curious mah~~ below is our conversation
Me: "He is an artist from Taiwan"
Angmoh: "Oh I see~, oh my, he even got his own sercurity!" (i din bothered to explain the sercurity was sent by 933 XDD)
Angmoh: "What kind of artist is he?"
Me: "He is part of a rock band"
Angmoh: "Oh~ A rock band"
Me: "He is the vocalist of the band"
Angmoh: "What is the name of the band?"
Me: "MAYDAY, from Taiwan"
Angmoh: "Mayday~~ I see, so you are fan?"
Me: "yup!! We are all fans of theirs~"
Angmoh: "I see~ Enjoy urself!"
wahaha... Felt so great to intro Mayday to and Angmoh!!!
After the Angmoh left, Ashin was still erm... dunno wat he doing lah~ Den me and Yurong were toking den taking photos~ While the rest were looking at Ashin loh~
Den suddenly, Ashin took something and distribute to the fans there~ Its actually the sticker of the Mascot of 101 Expo~ While giving, he said something, erm..... which I din hear properly ah~ The 1st round he only managed to give 6 of us~ Since me n Yurong were the last in line, we din get it~ But after he finished the 6~ he said “等一下,我還有”~ Den he went to his bag and start digging again~ Den me n Yurong just stood there and Yihua suggested that she will take a photo when Ashin passed us the sticker~ I thought its better not to cos scared he will get 尷尬~ Den when he came back, he asked “有誰還沒拿到?” I raised my hand and Yihua said “我!” Den I was like saying to her “不要騙”~ Den Ashin came to me and Yurong to pass us the stickers~ I cannot remember whether I said Thank you or not le~~ Den he got one more extra~ which he gave to the Weiting of Rock~ “也給你一張”~
Den, at this point of time, there is this little boy came and wanted to get the sticker from Ashin~ But Ashin already distributed all le~ He just looked at the little boy with his eyes big big and showed his empty hands~ Den I think he did say “沒有了” ba~~ Den the Weiting of Rocks, gave her sticker to the little boy lah~
After this, its time for them go in le~ We said byebye to Ashin n 小肉包 etc~~
As usual, we only left until the last wave from inside~
Just as we were about to leave the airport, we met Xiaofei and Liping~ We told them that Ashin has already left~ While we were in the car, another fan called to ask if we were at the airport already~ Den we have to tell her that Ashin already left le~ and we are on our way home as well~ From wat she said was that, there were many other fans at the airport waiting to send him off ah~ Quote a sentence Yurong said in the morning~ “這是緣分問題”
I could totally understand how they felt~ its the exact same feeling we had that very same morning~
Lastly I wanna say, just as I thought me and Ashin super no 緣,(tat time I met the other 4 except Ashin~ and that morning's incident~) Its not that true afterall!!!haha.....
Ashin's various 舉動 at the airport really surprises me~ cos I tot he will be too tired to talk just like in the morning~ and in the past, he oso nv talk at the airport one leh~
This is really my FINAL 放縱 before my exams~ After this week, when all presentations and projects are due, I will have to start revising le~ The next round of excitment and fun will start on 30th Nov!!!! Yeah!!


Blogger JY said...


8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

somehow reading your entry hor, all the feeling i felt came back.. haha. =) when he was giving out the stickers then when it was wenning's turn he went "bu yao de ren ju shou" cuz i think wenning gave a curious look and he misinterpreted it.. XD anw must study hard then after exams go crazy together again! and i also cannot find details on guangzhou FH, but hope you'll be able to attend tt too! =) then really full blast of MD for u, ku jin gan lai! XD

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is what i like about mayday...they are always so sincere and real. no air inthem.

12:22 AM  
Blogger NK said...

I didn't give him any look okie... He just likes to torment me.

1:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! waa... me like ninchan, after readin ur post feel so gan dong again... hai!~ we all like feng kuang for the last round be4 sch and exams... s'pore seems so FARAWAY! hai... but stil... they rock. we rock too... hehehe.... me bu yao lian...

1:36 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

yoohoo~~ wenning!! you are here??!!! wat a pleasant surprise!!
ninchan >> thanks girl! for telling me~ haha...
namida >> yes yes!!! I think thats wat alot of ppl like abt them!! ^_^

1:36 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

wah fantasy!!! we post at the same time sia~~ haha.....
Yupyup! we are always so bu yao lian one!! but who cares? haha.... kidding only mah~~ ;)

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im still here! hahaha... bo liaox... quote sumthing i said: "yuan fen mah!" hehehehe.... =D

1:43 AM  
Blogger JY said...

yuan fen....

reminds me of the same title song by cai xin juan keke...

9:22 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...


cai xin juan?
JY~ dun need to remind us we are from different era one mah~~
hahaha~~~ kidding kidding~~

Personally, Feng Fei Fei is my idol too~ XDDD

9:38 PM  
Blogger JY said...

cai xin juan also not my era loh...:P
queen of hats you like huh...:P

really curious to know what the music industry would be like 50 years from now.....

12:03 AM  
Blogger Noritaka said...

sticker.... i love cute sticker.... hahaha... can show me next time,ya? :)

10:24 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

wahaha~~ the sticker is not cute ah~~ oops! haha...

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

after i see ur post i can only say..WHY I WAN TO GO MALAYSIA?!?!?so sad leh..i miss so much..i wan to scream for them when they win the awards!!haiz..sad..

12:42 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

dun worry jun!!!
Always have another time!!!
yeah yeah!!! Let's go to nx year's Quan Qiu Yin Yue!! ;)

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay sure..see ya then..oh no its for final home first..haha..but rmb to jio me then.. =)

1:48 AM  

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