
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Die liao~ have been sleeping later and later everynight!!! Must adjust my biological clock back b4 exams~~~ hmm~~ toking abt exams, I noe my NTU friends are starting their papers REAL SOON!!!! So good luck to all of you mates!! By the time you guys end, it will be the start of MY nightmare!!!
hmm~~ Nothing to say.... just that, I think that 姓周的王八蛋的《夜曲》還蠻好聼的。Damn!!! I hate to admit, but I have to~~ BUT!!!! Its only the 前奏 and the chorus are nice. The rap part is still very crappy!!! And I still dislike him ALOT!!! and this is the only song I thought its nice by him since 星晴...
This new song has a very sad melody~ erm... but this melody can only be heard in the 前奏 and the Chorus.. the rap part got no melody!!!
erm... pls dun come argue with me how GREAT or how TALENTED this !*&$*(&@ is ok!!! Cos I ASSURE you!!! YOU WILL LOSE!!!!! I would think he is GREAT and TALENTED if he is judged on the basis of :
1) The number of songs composed based on ONE intro. i/e: no. of songs with the same intro!
2) The level of which lyrics are distorted beyond recognition.
He is just a phenomena that is over-rated!
hmm~~ sorry to those who adores and admire him...
I bet you guys will be super angry enough after reading these... Hence I shan't write more... if given a chance, I could probably write a thesis about it...
Just a different opinion ba... Dun hate me ah~~ Think of it this way, wouldn't it be boring if everybody just think the same? :ppppp
OH OH OH!!!! I am Super excited!!! Cos I read Iweekly and realised that I forgot about this 最受歡迎團體/組合 award!!!! Haha~~~ I think Fir is here to get this!!! hehehe... THAT MEANS........ Its still possible for Mayday to get the 最佳樂團!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh man~~~ I think I will go crazy this friday loh~~~ When they are going to announce this award...... I can imagine myself to be super super tensed!!! haha.....
and erm...... I read that only Ashin is coming :((( Although Ashin is my personal fav among the 5, but I still think that he alone dun really have enough impact leh~~ And I why must it be Ashin?? He will need most rest for the concert in Beijing leh~~~ hai~~ But, still no news from 933 yet, so I would still hope that there will be more than 1 person representing Mayday ;)))
And I wun be disappointed if none of them come last min. :)


Blogger Noritaka said...

Umm.... mb bcoz he only has to test the mike,memorise lyrics for the concert,etc? Hahaha...

7:30 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

yah loh~ But really quite sad that only he came, thought at least another person will accompany him~~
And I can't believe they arrived SO EARLY!!!! 30 min before the time stated :(
we reached on the dot loh~ still missed him... hai~~
really no yuan sia~~

hai~ and somemore the sercurity guards were more than the no. of fans there loh~ -_-'''

11:08 AM  
Blogger JY said...

馒头,信封,沙包,瘦身茶,油条 5人在开会..

信封: 一年一度的酒伤伤典礼又来了,谁要代表?
馒头: 当然不是我,我还在努力制作小馒头
油条: 我和豆浆还在甜蜜时段...豆浆没了谁负责啊
瘦身茶: 我是无所谓啦,不过12月的瘦身广告还需要许多安排

沙包: 干吗看着我?? 沙包不是好欺负的...
信封: 是不是约了那只鱼??
瘦身茶: 别害羞,是的话就大声讲...

沙包: 你们找死啊?
油条: 我是无辜的...
馒头: 要打架, 来...谁怕谁..
瘦身茶: 馒头我帮你,看那沙包是否抵挡的了...

信封: 好啦...我去啦我去啦..
油条: 就是等你这一句...
沙包: 你自己说的,我们可没逼你...
信封: 我自愿的可不可以
瘦身茶: 好伟大!
信封: 地狱我不入,谁入??

12:08 PM  
Blogger JY said...

just to add on...
the above is i bo liao think of it one hor..not implying anything...

and just for leisure reading hor keke
and the 5 characters very easy to guess is who hor hahhahaa


12:09 PM  
Blogger keitsu said...

ermm can i ask why you tiao and shou shen ca? i know who they are but why the name?? :P

1:48 PM  
Blogger JY said...

then can i ask you why you ask only you tiao and shou shen ca?? cos the other 3 you can relate?? keke

shou shen ca - i think he will look better if he try to lose some fats loh....:P

you tiao - tian mi mi now mah...you tian comes in pair leh :D

actually i try to think of one item that have a word similar to their name for easy guess lah...

very bo liao hor hahhaha

(lucky my boss never read this blog)

2:11 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...


You did it again JY~~ very creative and very C~o~l~d ah!!!

I had the same question as keitsu!! haha... I think I can relate the shou shen cha thingy~
Alot of my non MD fans were commenting that he really looks quite fat now~ haha......

2:55 AM  

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