
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

About Mayday again~

hmm~~ That day, someone told me that 四小天王 (for those who are not from my era, 四小天王 refers to 林志穎,吳奇隆,蘇有朋 and hmm.... last one i think its 孫燿威 if I am not wrong... ) and 小虎隊 (although 2 of the members are among the 四小天王)failed to make it big cos they went for NS.. They were all very popular before they went NS, but when they return after that, they nv make it as big as they were before...
It was then I realised why everybody says that Mayday is quite a miracle~ Not only they were able to return Full Force after NS, they are now even more popular, well-known than before!!
This made me more 佩服 them.. haha...
And oso hor.. today I read 新明日報, and saw their prediction... They predicted that Mayday will win 3 out of the 4 awards they were nominated for.. namely 最佳唱片製作,最佳創作歌手 and 台灣地區最受歡迎歌手... 就是沒有最佳樂團。。。 :'''(((
hai~~ I noe that 他們希望能夠得到創作方面的肯定,But I am so very 不爽 that FIR will replace them as 最佳樂團!!!! Can't they get recognised for their 創作 and at the same time win the 最佳樂團??? AARRGGG~~~
okok~ I noe that they already got that award for quite a few times liao~ and probably already very recognised liao~ but.... HAI!!! 這是面子問題!!! :ppppp
ok~ anyway, today was quite slack.... But I managed to finish my midi project for Science of Music!!! YES!!! Although its quite like shit, i can't be very bothered abt it le..... At least I tried my very best to incooperate the chords and counter melody hor.... But may be too short... need to go find out how long it must be!!


Blogger JY said...

hmm...if i'm not wrong, only 林志穎 and 孫燿威 go army only.
吳奇隆 never went cos of his arm injury which he substain during his taekwando days and 蘇有朋 cos of his eyesight, his degree is over a thousand!!

Now the 4 of them focus more on acting rather than singing. :)

9:03 AM  
Blogger Noritaka said...

Xiao Hu Dui still very hot lor!!! In China,tt's... they've been bz with movies & dramas there since yrs ago,hahaha...
Btw, the 4 are nicky,alec,lin zhi ying & jin cheng wu.... NOT SUN YAO WEI LOR....

9:25 AM  
Blogger keitsu said...

yeah its 金城武 not 孫燿威... cos its suppose to make up of taiwanese... and 孫燿威 is from hong kong.. hard to imagine right? Takashi is actually part of it..hahhaa..

and 吳奇隆 did complete his NS although he had an arm injury... and 蘇有朋 din't because of the eyesight problem...

and like audrey says... 吳奇隆 and 蘇有朋 is still very popular in China.. mainly because they act in China make drama series...

and yupz in the past most pple did not make it after they left showbiz for army.. so when mayday left for army most were worried.. including myself... so when TKZC was such a success i think alot of pple were very touch... and believe it to be a miracle....

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We must believe miracles DO happen!Occasionally lah! :p

6:12 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

oh man~~~ How can I forget about Takeshi Kaneshiro!!??

Maybe cos he Zhuan Xing too successfully liao~ I see him as a Japanese now. =XX

hmm~~ seems like I gao bu qing chu zhuang kuang 0_o||| haha...
din noe that they still so hot in China~ you yan bu shi tai shan :p

6:31 PM  
Blogger JY said...

do not forget the other tiger 陈志朋 also!!! He also go into acting...

just makes me wonder if there is a Comeback of the Litter Tigers Concert...how many would actually go..

would you?? :P

6:52 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

i will i will!!!!
wah~~ I still think those songs by them are very very nice~~
But hor~ did all of them went into acting cos they hun bu xia qu in the singing industry ah??
paiseh ah~~ was quite young then, cannot recall wat happened actually :p

10:57 PM  
Blogger Noritaka said...

ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Umm.... tt su youpeng DID mention tt they trying to arrange for 1 abt 2 yrs ago.... Umm..... dunno wat happened to his promise after then.... SIGH~~~~~

1:59 PM  

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