
Monday, November 07, 2005

"黑暗不能造成陰影 只有光亮才會" ---朱少麟<<傷心咖啡店之歌>>

Below is something I read from somewhere, the author wrote:
當你在人群中是那麼開心 在我身旁總是沉默
如果你也像歌裡這樣的心情過 那你猜
And The Song referred here was actually 知足.
Let's review the lyrics of this song once again~
怎麼去擁有 一道彩虹
怎麼去擁抱 一夏天的風
天上的星星 笑地上的人
總是不能懂 不能覺得足夠
如果我愛上 你的笑容
要怎麼收藏 要怎麼擁有
如果你快樂 不是為我
會不會放手 其實才是擁
有當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空
為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動
終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭
才發現 笑著哭 最痛
那天你和我 那個山丘
那樣的唱著 那一年的歌
那樣的回憶 那麼足夠
足夠我天天 都品嚐著寂寞
知足的快樂 叫我忍受心痛
Why do you think the author wrote that?
I do not know if the author really meant whatever is written. If its true, its really very very sad leh~~ I hope its not true ah~~ Or maybe I misunderstood the meaning!! I hope so!!
But if its true, and I got the meaning right, I hope the author will 振作起來 and continue to Jiayou!!!


Blogger JY said...

well....have to depends on whether that author and the girl is of what relationship...

no matter how they both relates, is still will be sad....

if he is a guy who likes that gal...he would not understand if he did not try to find out from that gal...

if both of them are in a r/s, then something must be wrong in communications..since he detect it, he should do something about it...

if that gal is just a normal stranger on the street that the guy see frequently....then is a different story then....

11:30 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

wah~ JY >> how come you just assume its a guy??

I purposely kept the gender unknown~

wahaha~~ I am not saying that your assumption is right huh~ ;D

4:11 PM  
Blogger JY said...


then can i make even more assumption that you know the author?? :P

6:55 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

cannot like that lah!!!
u must ans my qn one by one 1st mah~ U tell me wat made you think that the author is guy 1st~~

den~ hmm~ maybe I will ans ur 2nd qn~~ hehe~~ ;p

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


But I guess it's a girl that's involved leh.. :P

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"黑暗不能造成陰影 只有光亮才會" reminds me of 顧城's poem leh...黑夜給了我黑色的眼睛,我卻用他尋找光明... XP

9:06 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

OMG!!! euphoria!!! wahaha... I noe that 詩!!! its one of the 詩 written during 文革!!!! Right right right?! hehe... I read it in one of my modules~

hai~~ miss that module. din pay much attention tat time... :(

10:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha..I love those poems..Hehehe..Different from those u normally see..Pity 顾城 had a very tough life..Guess it's life that sculptures a poet.. :P

9:05 AM  

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