
Wednesday, November 30, 2005


我終于品嘗到自由的味道!!!!! EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!
I must really thank GOD for this whole exam period~ Although most of the time I was slacking around and not concentrating on my revision, all the papers turn out to be quite do-able... it was like all those I studied just happened to come out!! And oso all the papers were not as difficult as I thought they would be...
I was SO thankful that I went back to school to watch the videos I was supposed to~ I was almost too lazy to wake up that day~ After watching, I still thought they were just nice movies and will not have any relevant to the exams~ But when I sat for the paper today, it just happen that one of the questions was to discuss the videos!!! Woohoo!!!
Well~ I dunno if I answered well, but at least I have some things to write!
Today went watch Harry Potter n the Goblet of Fire! To me, this is the BEST HP movie made so far~ Although it cut off lots of the parts, its ok~ cos the book is really TOO long le~~
This is much more like a MOVIE! Part 1 n 2 was not bad as well, just that the scenes dun quite link. Erm.. part 3 was totally like shit~ The graphics and visuals were fantastic!! It did capture the whole gist of the story~ Although the twist wasn't like GREAT, but its not bad already!! compared to the super lousy, got-twist-like-no-twist-part 3...... The various new characters was also given appropriate attention, though I really think the girl who acted as Cho-Chang is too old...
But there are some parts which I thought could be better, like the relationship between Ron and Hermione. And I think that Dumbledore is far far too agressive....
Ok! Exams over, but I am going to be as busy as during exam period~ I have 11 days left before I will be away for 2 weeks~ Got so many things to settle!!! Need to meet up with those very troublesome Funkamania participants, need to finish my Dad's sweater, got to finish up all my unfinished books, need to go for JLPT and of course!!!!!!! NEED TO GO FOR FINAL HOME SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know most people who read my blog had already gotten the tics! To those who haven't I must really say this, if there is only ONE concert you can go in your whole life, THIS will be THE ONE!!!! I guarantee you will not regret! This is my heartfelt advise!! really not because I like Mayday!! I am sure one will enjoy themselves even if they are not Mayday's fans! As long as you know 2, 3 songs is enough le!!! Its really about the whole atmosphere!! Even if you buy the cheapest tics oso no problem!!! Because you will not be watching/listening a concert, you will be PART of the whole concert itself!!! really really really!!! I am not exaggerating!!! Hope you guys can give Mayday a chance, if not give URSELF a chance to prove it! Most ppl just think "oh~ Mayday ah~" But in actual fact, you guys dun really know wat Mayday is all about leh... Just like I didn't until one year ago... yup! that's all I am going to say, so if you do have a little bit of extra pocket money, get a few friends and go to the concert nx Sat k??


Blogger JY said...

i really hope that guy behind me on last sat concert wont go for mayday one...and if yes..he better do not sit behind me hahaha....

he can apply to be the usher of any concert event....okie out of pt here....

yeah...9 more days to go!!!

9:14 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

why why?? wat did the person do?? he asked you to sit down?? wahaha~~

5:49 PM  

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