
Saturday, November 19, 2005

2 Papers down

YES!! Finally I got rid of 2 papers!! Today had my Philosophy Paper~ It wasn't as difficult as I thought!! I still thought I will have nothing to write~ But I ended up cannot finish writing~ I just hope all the stuff I wrote can impressed the teacher abit~ I specially memorise a few verse just to impress him abit after my C-graded essay loh~~ :(((
At the end of the paper, we got back our essay~ He was giving out one by one~ I stood there thinking that he will probably get my name wrong~ But... I was wrong~~ I am totally impressed by him!!!!!!!! He actually know all the students!!!! Even ppl like me, super not enthu, always skip lectures, no question, never and questions one~~ I am SUPER SHOCKED!!!
I have already decided to take another module of his nx sem~ No more philosophy this time!!! The module I wanna take nx sem is history~ should be better ba..... I really like him alot leh!!!! haha...
With a very good mood, I head down to Tiong Bahru Plaza and had a lonely lunch at ThaiExpress~ To my disgust, the 55毛毛 is actually gg to have a session there loh~ YUCKS!!! dunno is Heng or Suay~~ Wasn't feeling very well today~ cos its the time of the month lah~ Den shop here shop there for awhile before meeting Shirley to collect the Mayday merchandise~ Met Yurong as well!!!! Den we din leave after collecting our stuff~ had a chat with Shirley as she continue meeting other ppl from the forum~ Haha~~ Actually me and Yurong wanted to see how big the 場面 will be lah~~ Den when Shirley got to go, I had this idea of going up the stage (its a 握手會) and say this to them "五月天才是亞洲第一天團"!!! I really all ready to go up le!!! Yurong still wanted to stop me~ But damn!!!! By the time I want to join the queue, they are shaking the last person's hand liao~ -_-''' Den me and Yurong went behind the stage, but they end up gg the other direction of the stage!! DAMN!!!! Nv get the chance to say!!!! If not my mood will be even better!!! ;P
Ok lah~ I shall take a rest for the rest of the day~ And will continue studying after today!! YOSH!!! JIAYOU!!!
Now that Masa said that it will be either or... So~~~
*Praying hard that Guangzhou concert will be on 24th and not 25th*
Hai~~ If they really have it on 25th, think i can probably go 撞墻 or jump off from my dad's apartment~ But den again, like wat Shirley say~越強求就越得不到~ Den can I 強求 that I DUN wanna go for the concert?? :p Hai~ Like wat Yurong always say~ 緣分嘛~


Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:44 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

haha~~ why like tat???

5:53 PM  

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