
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ok~ great! Final Home Malaysia is now confirmed to be postponed to 14 th Jan 2006
Initially, thought its not a bad thing since I got JLPT on 4th Dec... and oso, if postpone, den I will more money by then. BUT!!! WHY MUST IT BE 14TH JAN????
I have got Funkamania XII finals!!!! So am I to go for FH Malaysia or Funka??? Damn!!!
Ok~ I still haven get the book... think will be able to get it tmr ba~~ exciting!!! Can't wait to see wats inside!!!
Today's Jap oral was like Shit!!! Totally dunno wat the teacher expect from me!!! as a result, dunno how to ans!!! sure fail!!!
Today's Biz Jap lecture abit different~~ At the end of it, our lecturer broke into tears~~ I was totally shocked!! apparently she felt very 捨不得~ cos most of us had followed her for the past 2.5 yrs~ and after this sem, most of us will move on to higher level, which will not be taught by her~ wah... I really din noe Japanese will have such feelings oso ah~ I always thought that Japanese are very fake~ But i think its time I change my perception about that~ My Jap 5 lecturer actually made 飯糰 for us during our last lecture oso loh... hai~~ They are all very nice ppl ah!!! well... except for that incompetent-psycho-metrosexualist!!! So happy that after 2.5 yrs, he is finally not going to be my teacher anymore!! YES!!!
And lastly, I wanna thank Yihua!!! Thanks girl for ur present!!! *hug*
You totally caught me by surprise sia~~ Yes!! Let's JIAYOU for our exams!! and hope we can take Jap 6 together nx sem!!! ;DDDDD


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh you're welcomed! XD cuz won't be seeing you anymore for the time being so can only give you today.. but not bad, seems like i'm the first to give you a bday present! XD and on second thought i think i may just go take jap5, cuz sekarli jap6 too xiong pull my grades down.. lol. somemore the sensei v strict one right?! =S
well if duty really calls for you, then i think just give msia FH a miss? =X though v ke xi but.. after all it's quite a she chi thing right.. ^^;;; but hope everything will go well for you and can ru yuan yi chang! =)
and you really dun like him so much arh! you affect my impression of him also lor! XD but walker today really v shocking.. =X
Anyway reading week le wor! so fast! soon it's SGFH! XDDDDD cant wait le!!! but must get to the books first.. >_< 一緒に頑張ろう! ;) See you on 29th Nov! ;D

11:30 PM  

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