
Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!!
This is REALLY REALLY REALLY SO DAMN CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The expressions and the movements are all SO CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!
Everybody must watch!!! probably you have already seen it, not like me so Mountain Tortoise
Dun understand how can ppl come out with such CUTE cartoon character!!! This is really by far the CUTEST American cartoon character I've seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heys~~ jingsi (aka spotlite) here :) thanx for dropping by my blog yah? hahahah yups i like ashin best.. hehs but now i also like guaishou and masa~ generally mayday as a whole la~~ hahaha glad to noe u! can't wait for final home!!! :D cya on 10dec~ less than one mth liaos!!

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do u noe how famous this little chick is?...Nearly 1/2 of my sch teachers can sing n dance to the clip liao..Hahahaha...Yeah..I passed the file around... :P

8:06 PM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

wahaha~~ So li hai!!!! :O
my current most effective distress strategy is no longer Mayday's songs or clips liao~~ its THIS advertisement!! haha...

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...Good luck for all ya exams!!21 days more to FH!!Jia you!! ^_^b

12:56 PM  

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