
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Today I had the Chinese Philosophy makeup lecture...
The 1st thing the Prof Lo said before lesson was about our assignment...
Remember?? yeah~ that one about 孔子,the one that almost set me into depression~
He was supposed to give us back today, but yesterday, as he was marking, he encountered an incident which affected his mood so badly that he couldn't continue marking...
I thought something happened in his family or something....
But who knows, he said he was disappointed in our assignments....
At this moment, I felt a chill going up my spine!! I was thinking "DAMN!! It must have been mine that caused him to be disappointed!! Mine was totally rubbish and most prob reflects that I did not pay attention during class."
But later he continued saying he was disappointed because he realised among the half he had marked, some of them were actually products of plagarism~
At this point, I immediately went WHEW~~~ Its not me!!!!! (If I could plagarise, I wouldn't be so vexed during that period liao~) So that's what disappoints him~ Heng ah!!!! But den, I have some doubts, he is sure which are plagarised and which are not hor?? He better be sure man~~ wait he thinks mine is den how!?!? Although mine is super crappy :ppp
He den went on saying that he will not report to the Dean's office immediately, he hopes that those who know who they are will go look for him and give him an explanation! (U understand why I like him so much now?)
Today's lecture was quite enjoyable~ though I doubt the above mentioned ppl will think so~
Actually hor... Personally, if my students really gave me a plagarised work, I wouldn't mind too much if its well done ;P Unless its just copying blindly and doesn't make any sense lah~
For a simple reason, I think its not easy to plagarise something~
To plagarise, it will means that you have done some readings and you know where to plagarise! Not like me, not that I have lots of integrity, moral values and know what are 是 and 非~
Its just that, I want to plagarise, I oso dunno how to go about doing it!! Being a super lazy student, I wouldn't even bother to look for books to flip through loh~~ Even if I can find a book, I wun want to sit down and read through~~ U think the readings of each module are not enough meh??
I understand that plagarism is morally incorrect, its just like cheating and stealing~ But if we put aside the moral issue, I think students who plagarised 还是有某些本事的 :p
以上纯属我个人意见,不同意者请息怒 :)))


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