
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Ok~ I know I am 2 weeks late~ He said this 2 weeks ago at the Beijing Final Home. I oso dunno how come I din post during that time~ almost every Mayday's fan's blog I went, this was there~
I almost forgot abt it until I saw it today in I-weekly again~
It still made me damn 感動~
This is the 2nd one liao~ the 1st was 石頭. 石頭's was abit simpler~ this was wat he said 4 yrs ago at 你要去那裏 concert in 高雄。
erm~ think some words wrong in the last phrase~ but this was the gist of it ba~
Both are very touching, personally I think 冠佑's was slightly more touching~ because its 冠佑~ 石頭 has always been very 感性, so the expectation on him is higher~ but 冠佑 has always been blur blur and always kena bullied by the rest one~ Its quite a feat for him to be 唯一能一輩子帶給人家幸福的人。:p
so all my male friends who read my blog!! (JY excluded) i think not many, but still~ Do you guys finally understand why I like Mayday so much!! You all always think I am mad~ But I really do have reasons for being mad abt them ok? and THIS is one of them!!! As for other reasons, think you guys heard enough of me saying liao~
YOSH! 3 papers down!! 2 more to go!! 2 most difficult of them all!!! CHIONG AH~~~~~~~!
oh~ and I think the date for Guangzhou Final Home will be released in nx 2 days or so~ since they will be in Guangzhou on sat!! *pray hard*


Blogger JY said...

me excluded???
either me not male or your friend..
wao...who am i then?? hehehe



11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

muahahahahahaha. now u know why i LOVE yanming!!! XDDDDD

all the best for biz jap and the other paper! hee =)

12:16 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

no lah~~ cos I think you are unlike my other male friends~
and this is definitely a compliment!! ;)

most importantly, you are a fellow Mayday fan!!! ;D
not like them... tell me wat Shin Yue Tuan is better lah~ and all those crap...

12:33 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

yeah yeah!! you too wor!!! u oso left with 2 papers rite? Chiong together!!!

12:36 AM  

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