
Wednesday, November 23, 2005


There's a great commotion in the forum today~ a great great one!! probably the biggest I've seen in my past year there... Even bigger than the padderay who came to the forum cos he got nothing to do, not even a Mayday fan, den there giving unconstructive, brainless comments...
Its a new person!! somehow I feel, its a guy... hai~~ why so like tat??
Its actually not a very big matter mah~ This person oso damn suay....
I mean, there are quite a few ppl who are not so polite lah~ but none of them went to open a thread mah~ Hope things will turn out fine...
If not he/she will think how come the ppl in the forum so hostile... although its definitely not true!!!!
Its weird how ppl's minds work at times... 所謂一種米養百种人. Its so true man!!!
When I see the commotion, really dunno wat to say.... want to say something, scared will offend ppl... just when I thought things are getting better, another wave come again~
Yet another example of how consequences non-face-to-face communication can be rather detrimental when not handled with care...
Hope everything will be back to normal soon!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dunnoe y but reminded me of da lyrics... mai lai luan~

1:39 AM  
Blogger Noritaka said...

coz it's "wu yuan de ren" ba.... ya huh....

2:34 AM  
Blogger JY said...


9:37 AM  
Blogger Andrea Ng said...

yah loh~ the person just dun have "yuan fen" with the forum...

But yeah! ok le!! the threads had been locked!! haha...

Hai~ I oso dun want to 庸人自扰 one, just dun want to see "fellow-forumers" getting upset abt this lah~ cos like not very nice mah~ ppl can 借題發揮 on it...

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to think of it,this kind of ppl usually 三分钟热度 one...Soon...He/She maybe will *poof*...Disappear.. XD

11:54 AM  
Blogger Noritaka said...

JY>> That's Xiao Hu Dui's YONG REN ZI RAO!!! YEAH!!!!!!

1:29 PM  
Blogger JY said...

yaya....is the little tigers....
that song lyrics is really really very very nice nice hor...

11:33 PM  
Blogger NK said...

Haha I don't understand why some pple get a kick out of being flamed

2:44 PM  

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