
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I am now at my workplace, nothing much to do, so I need to find things to keep myself entertain~
So I ended up reading all the blogs that were linked to my blog... Its been a LOOOOOOONG time~~ Most of them have already changed their blogskins. It's been a LOOOOOOOONG time since I see them as well~ Not in person, not even at the forum where we all got to noe each other.

Well, people progress and advance. So did them, so did I. I am not trying to complain about anything here, I just suddenly remembered the very wonderful, happy days I had at that forum. Although now I still visit there the moment I log on to internet, but I no longer felt the urge to posts. Because, there is now some sort of "ailen-ness" when I read those posts now.

I was asking Ah Tan yesterday, hmmm~ 不知道31號在機場會遇到誰~ She just said "the usual people loh~" But I know probably not... In place of those "usual people", there will be lots of "other people". Other people whom I have never met and dun feel like knowing.

突然之間,在我腦海裏的時空仿佛回到了2005年1月14號。那是我身平第一次爲了"偶像"跑到機場去。那時的我,一個人也不認識,也不被任何人認識。我並沒有希望回到那個時候,只不過想再一次感受當一個簡單的歌迷的心情,不需要去和其他人做眼神上的較勁,不需要回答任何人的疑問,只想和我珍惜的人,開開心心地做我想做的事,不需要理會其他人會怎麽想,會有什麽評語。尤其是一些孬種的人。這些人不是膽小哦~ 只不過不原忠實地面對自己。


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